- agilitas
agilitās, ātis f. [ agilis ]1) подвижность, быстроходность (navium L); лёгкость, гибкость (corporum Amm); быстрота, скорость (rotarum QC)2) живость, гибкостьa. naturae C — живость характера
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
agilità — {{hw}}{{agilità}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Scioltezza nell uso delle membra; SIN. Sveltezza. 2 (fig.) Prontezza, vivacità … Enciclopedia di italiano
Europäischer Schwertkampf — Bild aus dem Codex Wallerstein: Fechter mit diversen Waffen (15. Jahrhundert) Als Europäischer Schwertkampf wird die historische Kampfkunst bezeichnet, welche dem mittelalterlichen und frühmodernen Fechten mit Schwertern in Europa zugrunde liegt … Deutsch Wikipedia
agilité — [ aʒilite ] n. f. • XIVe; lat. agilitas ♦ Qualité de ce qui est agile. ⇒ aisance, légèreté, rapidité, souplesse, vivacité. Ils « se hissaient le long des murs avec une agilité et une malice toutes simiesques » (Barrès). Fig. La logique a «… … Encyclopédie Universelle
agilitate — AGILITÁTE s.f. Uşurinţă în mişcări; supleţe, sprinteneală, vioiciune. ♦ Îndemânare. – Din fr. agilité, lat. agilitas, atis. Trimis de ana zecheru, 03.09.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 AGILITÁTE s. v. sprinteneală. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
agilitar — (del lat. «agilĭtas», agilidad) tr. y prnl. Agilizar[se]. * * * agilitar. (Del lat. agilĭtas, agilidad). tr. agilizar. U. t. c. prnl. * * * altagilitar o agilizar/alt ► transitivo pronominal Hacer ágil, dar facilidad para ejecutar alguna cosa … Enciclopedia Universal
Agilität — Beweglichkeit; Wendigkeit * * * Agi|li|tät 〈f. 20; unz.〉 agiles Wesen, Flinkheit, Gewandtheit, Beweglichkeit * * * Agi|li|tät, die; [frz. agilité < lat. agilitas] (bildungsspr.): agiles Wesen, agile Art. * * * Agi|li|tät, die; [frz. agilité… … Universal-Lexikon
Agility — A*gil i*ty, n. [F. agili[ e], L. agilitas, fr. agilis.] 1. The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; nimbleness; activity; quickness of motion; as, strength and agility of body. [1913 Webster] They . . . trust… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stage combat — is a specialized technique in theatre designed to create the illusion of physical combat without causing harm to the performers. It is employed in live stage plays as well as operatic and ballet productions. The term is also used informally to… … Wikipedia
Magic in Negima — This page discusses the magic and magic systems in the manga and anime series . Western Mages and Eastern Mages In Negima, the two main divisions of magic shown are Western (European) and Eastern (Asian). Western magic is largely based on real… … Wikipedia
agility — /euh jil i tee/, n. 1. the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness: exercises demanding agility. 2. the ability to think and draw conclusions quickly; intellectual acuity. [1375 1425; late ME agilite < MF < L agilitas. See AGILE, ITY] * *… … Universalium
List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters — The Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga and anime series features a cast of characters designed by Ken Akamatsu. Contents 1 Main characters: Mahora Girls Jr. High Class 2/3 A 1.1 Negi Springfield 1.2 Sayo Ais … Wikipedia