- Fauni
Faunī, ōrum m.фавны, божества полей и лесов Lcr, Prp, H, C etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
FAUNI — agrorum, et silvarum prtati sunt dii, qui post longum tempus moriuntur, quod e terra geniti sint. graeci Sayros vocant. vig. l. 1. Georg. v. 10. Et vos agrestum praesentia numina Fauni. Ovid. Met. l. 1. v. 192. Sunt muhi semdei, sunt rustica… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fauni — Faunus Fau nus, n.;pl. {Fauni}. [L.] (Myth.) See {Faun}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
FAUNI Ficarii — apud Hieronym. in versione Ieremiae c. 50. v. 39. ubi in Hebraeo est Gap desc: Hebrew, occurrunt: item apud eundem in Esai c. 13. ac Isid. Origin. l. 8. in sine, et rursus l. 11. c. 3. Sic apud paulum Diacon. Filmer Gothorum Rex sagas quasdam,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
FICARII Fauni — vide supra Fauni Ficarii … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
FAU — Fauni … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Dusios — In the Gaulish language, Dusios[1] was a divine being[2] among the continental Celts[3] who was identified with the god Pan of ancient Greek religion and with the gods Faunus, Inuus, Silvanus, and Incubus of ancient Roman religion. Like these… … Wikipedia
Fauno — Un fauno tocando la flauta, por Pál Szinyei Merse. Fauno (en latín Faunus, ‘el favorecedor’ de favere o quizá ‘el portador’ de fari ) era, en la mitología romana, una de las divinidades más populares y antiguas, los di indigetes, identificado con … Wikipedia Español
TEMPLUM Veneris — Ptol. oppid. vulgo Cap. de Crux, vide Aphrodisium; quod ab Helena 4. a Narbone 25. a Pyrene 80. leucis. Templa urbis Romae ex P. Victore: Bellonae, apud circum Flaminum. Bonae Deae, ubi nunc aedes S. Mariae Aventinae. Bonae Fortunae erat apud… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
faun — FÁUN, fauni, s.m. Zeu al fecundităţii din mitologia romană; (sens curent) divinitate romană campestră, protectoare a câmpiilor, pădurilor şi turmelor, înfăţişată ca un bărbat cu coarne şi cu picioare de ţap. – Din lat. faunus. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Rental Magica — レンタルマギカ (Rentaru Magika) Genre Fantasy, Romance, Mystery … Wikipedia
Mutya ng Pilipinas — (Pearl of the Philippines) is a beauty pageant held annually in the Philippines. Two of the primary winners of the pageant (Mutya ng Pilipinas World and Mutya ng Pilipinas Asia) from 1977 1991 competed in 2 international beauty pageants such as… … Wikipedia