FASTIGIUM — in Glossis ἀέτωμα, Gallis Feste, unde Festagium etc. Omnia enim aedificiorum tecta, apud Vett. aut erant plana, aut fastigata: et quidem in Graecia, Asia, et toto pene Oriente, aedium privatatum tecta plana fiebant; aedes vero sacrae culmen, et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
fastigium — [fa stij′ē əm] n. [ModL < L, an extremity, orig., the top of a gable: see FASTIGIATE] 1. the most severe point in the course of an illness 2. the highest point in the roof of the fourth ventricle of the brain … English World dictionary
fastigium — n. [L. fastigium, gable end] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Orthoptera, the anterior dorsal surface of the vertex of grasshoppers … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Fastigium — Fasti̱gium [aus lat. fastigium, Gen.: fastigiiFastigium= Neigung, Steigung; Abdachung; Spitze, Gipfel; Giebel] s; s, ...gia: 1) Dach des 4.FastigiumHirnventrikels (Anat.). 2) Höhepunkt einer Krankheit (insbes. Höhepunkt des Fiebers; Med.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Fastigium — Fas|ti|gi|um das; s, ...gia <aus lat. fastigium »Neigung, Steigung; Abdachung; Spitze, Gipfel; Giebel«>: 1. Dach des vierten Hirnventrikels (vgl. ↑Ventrikel; Anat.). 2. Höhepunkt einer Krankheit (insbesondere des Fiebers; Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
fastigium — /fa stij ee euhm/, n., pl. fastigiums, fastigia / ee euh/. Med. the highest point of a fever or disease; the period of greatest development of an infection. [1670 80; < L] * * * … Universalium
fastigium — noun a) An apex or summit b) A pediment or gable end … Wiktionary
fastigium — 1. [TA] Apex of the roof of the fourth ventricle of the brain, an angle formed by the anterior and posterior medullary vela extending into the substance of the vermis. 2. The acme … Medical dictionary
fastigium — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun Medicine. The highest point or state: acme, apex, apogee, climax, crest, crown, culmination, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith. Informal: payoff. See HIGH … English dictionary for students
fastigium — n. point of greatest intensity in a disease or infection … English contemporary dictionary
fastigium — fas·tig·i·um … English syllables