- fandus
1. a, um
part. fut. pass. к for2. adj.1) выразимыйnon f. Lcn — невыразимый2) справедливый, тж. дозволенныйmemor fandi atque nefandi V — не забывающий ни добра, ни зла
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rubus fandus L.H. Bailey — Symbol RUIT Synonym Symbol RUFA4 Botanical Family Rosaceae … Scientific plant list
Latin conjugation — Conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its basic forms or principal parts. It may be affected by person, number, gender, tense, mood, voice or other language specific factors. When, for example, we use a verb to function as… … Wikipedia
nefando — ne·fàn·do agg. CO 1a. di azione, comportamento o evento, che suscita riprovazione, turpe, vergognoso: un delitto nefando; parole, propositi nefandi; colpe, accuse nefande | vizio nefando: anticamente, la sodomia Sinonimi: abominevole, turpe,… … Dizionario italiano
nefandous — (adj.) not to be spoken of, 1630s, from L. nefandous unmentionable, impious, heinous, from ne , negative particle, + fandus to be spoken, gerundive of fari (see FAME (Cf. fame) (n.)) … Etymology dictionary
nefandous — nə̇ˈfandəs adjective Etymology: Latin nefandus, from ne not + fandus, gerundive of fari to speak more at no, ban archaic : unfit to be spoken of : impious, execrable … Useful english dictionary
ne|fan|dous — «nih FAN duhs», adjective. unmentionable; abominable; impious. ╂[< Latin nefandus (with English ous) < ne not + fandus to be spoken, gerundive of fārī to speak] … Useful english dictionary