Смотреть что такое "Agathyrsi" в других словарях:
Agathyrsi — were a people of Scythian [The Thracians 700 BC AD 46 The Thracians 700 BC AD 46 by Christopher Webber and Angus Mcbride,2001,ISBN 10: 1841763292,page 16: ... back, which could be to accommodate a top knot. Among the Agathyrsi (a Skythian tribe… … Wikipedia
AGATHYRSI — populi Scythis vicini. Ubi nunc provinc. Cargapolia et Vologhda, in Moscovia, teste Brietiô. Hieronym. Hi multum habent auri sine avaritia, sine invidia. Atqui populi sunt, mollitiei perquam deditissimi, si Herodoto fides, cuius verba, Musâ 4.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Agathyrsi — (a. Geogr.), sarmatisches Volk im jetzigen Siebenbürgen, friedfertig, in Weibergemeinschaft lebend; sie sollen sich tätowirt haben. Als ihr Stammvater gilt Agathyrsos, ein Sohn des Herakles u. der Echidna … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Agathyrsi — Agathyrsi, Volk in Sarmatia europaea, gewöhnlich an die Maros in Siebenbürgen gesetzt, besaßen Gold, bemalten ihre Leiber und lebten friedfertig unter einander … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
AGAT — Agathyrsi … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
АГАФИРСЫ — • Agathyrsi, Άγάθυρσοι, сарматский народ в нынешнем Седмиградье, производивший себя от героя Агафирса, сына Геракла и Ехидны (Hdt. 4, 10), подобно тому как гелоны считались потомками брата Агафирсова Гелона. Геродот (4, 48. 100. 104)… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Dacians — See also: Dacia, Getae, and Thracians Statues of Dacians surmounting the Arch of Constantine[1] (i.e. southern side, left) The Dacians (Latin … Wikipedia
List of ancient tribes in Thrace and Dacia — This is a list of ancient tribes in Thrace and Dacia (Ancient Greek: Θρᾴκη; Δακία) including possibly or partly Thracian or Dacian tribes, and non Thracian or non Dacian tribes that inhabited the lands known as Thrace and Dacia. A great number of … Wikipedia
List of Thracian tribes — or partly Thracians tribes or tribes inhabiting lands known as Thrace: Tribes Thracian *Akrokomai *Agriani *Apsinthi *Asti (Thracian tribe) *Bastarni *Beni (Thracian tribe) *Bessi *Bisaltae *Bistoni *Bithyni *Brigi *Brizi *Carpi (Thracian tribe)… … Wikipedia
List of rulers of Thrace and Dacia — Map of Ancient Thrace made by Abraham Ortelius in 1585 This article lists rulers of Thrace and Dacia, and includes Thracian, Paeonian, Celtic, Dacian, Scythian, Persian or Ancient Greek up to the point of its fall to the Roman empire, with a few… … Wikipedia
Scythians — Infobox Ethnic group group=Scythians poptime=Unknown popplace=Eastern Europe Central Asia West Asia Northern India langs=Scythian language rels=Animism related= *Sarmatians *Dahae *Sakas *Indo Scythians *Massagetes *Jatts *NairsThe Scythians or… … Wikipedia