
I a, um [ Falerii ] Vr , C , M etc. = Falernus II Faliscus, ī m.
фалиск (представитель племени фалисков, родственного племени Aequi) L, O, V etc.

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Faliscus" в других словарях:

  • Faliscus — (a. Lit.), s. Gratius …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • FALISCUS — et Cincius, primi personati egêre Comoediam. Scalig. Poêt. l. I. c. 13 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Mons Faliscus (Titularbistum) — Mons Faliscus (ital.: Montefiascone) ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf einen antiken Bischofssitz in der Stadt Montefiascone, die sich in der italienischen Region Latium befindet. Titularbischöfe von Mons… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grattius Faliscus — Grattius Faliscus, röm. Dichter, Zeitgenosse Ovids, Verfasser eines Lehrgedichts über die Jagd (»Cynegetica«) Das erhaltene Bruchstück von 541 Hexametern (in Baehrens »Poetae latini minores«, Bd. 1, Leipz. 1879) behandelt den Stoff nicht ohne… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Timothy W. Potter — Timothy William Potter (born 1944; died January 2000) was a prominent archaeologist of ancient Italy, as well as of Roman Britain, best known for his focus on landscape archaeology.Potter studied at Cambridge, receiving his B.A. from Trinity… …   Wikipedia

  • Classical Latin — Latinitas Latin inscription in the Colosseum …   Wikipedia

  • Neptune (mythology) — Neptune velificans in his triumphal chariot drawn by hippocamps (mid 3rd century AD, Musée archéologique de Sousse) Ancient Roman religion …   Wikipedia

  • Grattius — Grattius, Roman poet, of the age of Augustus, was the author of Cynegetica , a poem on hunting, of which 541 hexameters remain.He may have been a native of Falerii, and is sometimes referred to as Grattius Faliscus , but this rests on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Titus Calpurnius Siculus — Titus Calpurnius, Roman bucolic poet, surnamed Siculus from his birthplace or from his imitation of the style of the Sicilian Theocritus, most probably flourished during the reign of Nero.Eleven eclogues have been handed down to us under his name …   Wikipedia

  • Fescennine Verses — (Fescennina carmina), one of the earliest kinds of Italian poetry, subsequently developed into the Satura and the Roman comic drama. Originally sung at village harvest home rejoicing, they made their way into the towns, and became the fashion at… …   Wikipedia

  • Caudini — The Caudini were a Samnite tribe that lived among the mountains ringing Campania and in the valleys of the Isclero and Volturnus rivers. Their capital was at Caudium, but it seems certain that the appellation was not confined to the citizens of… …   Wikipedia

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