- Africus
I Āfricus, a, um
африканский (mare Sl, T; ventus C, L)II Āfricus, ī m.африк (юго-зап. ветер) V, H, Cs etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
AFRICUS — venti nomen ab Africa spirantis, inter Austrum et Zephyrum. Virg. Aen.l. 1. v. 89. Creberque procellis Africus. Horat. Carm. l. 1. Od. 1. Luctantem Icariis fluclibus Africum. Idem Carm. l. 3. Od. 23. Nec pestilentem sentiet Africum Fecunda vitis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Afrĭcus — (lat.), so v.w. Libs … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Africus — (jetzt ital. Affrico), Südwestwind bei den Römern … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Africus, S. — S. Africus. Der hl. Africus wird mit dem hl. Publius de Paulopetre und einem Andern zu Constantinopel verehrt. (Mg.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Saint Africus — was a 7th century French Roman Catholic saint about whom very little is known. He was the Confessor of Comminges and also the bishop of Comminges in southern France (Haute Garonne). His shrine was destroyed by Calvinists. His feast day is… … Wikipedia
Austro-africus — (lat.), der SSWind … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
АФРИК — • Afrĭcus, Αίψ, у итальянцев теперь еще Africo, юго западный или западно юго западный ветер, дующий от Африки, занимает в розе ветров место между ветрами Auster и Favonius; бурно и порывисто (Furibundus et ruens, Sen. quaest. not. 5,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Classical compass winds — The Tower of the Winds in Athens Classical compass winds refers to the naming and association of winds in Mediterranean classical antiquity (Ancient Greece and Rome) with the points of geographic direction and orientation. Ancient wind roses… … Wikipedia
Dioses del viento griegos — Céfiro, el dios griego del viento del oeste, y la diosa Flora, en un cuadro de William Adolphe Bouguereau (1875). En la mitología griega, los Anemoi (en griego antiguo Άνεμοι, ‘vientos’) eran dioses del … Wikipedia Español
ábrego — (Del lat. ventus africus, viento del sur, africano.) ► sustantivo masculino Viento que sopla del sur. * * * ábrego (del lat. «Afrĭcus») m. *Viento sur o sudoeste. ⇒ Ábrigo, áfrico. * * * ábrego. (Del lat. afrĭcus). m. Viento templado y húmedo del … Enciclopedia Universal
Anemoi — Aquilon redirects here. For the French Navy fighter, see de Havilland Sea Venom. In Greek mythology, the Anemoi (in Greek, Ἄνεμοι winds ) were Greek wind gods who were each ascribed a cardinal direction from which their respective winds came (see … Wikipedia