- extemplo
- ex-templō adv. [ templum ]тотчас же, сейчас же, сию минуту Pl, Ter, C etc.quum e. Pl — как только
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
extemplo — index instantly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
EXTEMPLO — vox Auguralis, vide infra Templum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Estempl. — extemplo, immediately …
T. Thorn Coyle — is a San Francisco based author and teacher in the Feri Tradition. She also teaches in the Reclaiming tradition. Coyle is author of Evolutionary Witchcraft , published by Tarcher/Penguin, 2004. The book offers exercises and meditations from the… … Wikipedia
Congreso Constituyente de México 1821 — Museo de la Luz, Extemplo de San Pedro y San Pablo Tagungsort der verfassunggebenden Versammlung von Neuspanien Der Congreso Constituyente de México 1821 war die verfassunggebende Versammlung für das erste Kaiserreich Mexiko unter Agustín de… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Packet switched network — A Packet Switched Network, or PSN, refers to the packet switched networks that existed before the Internet. The history of such networks can be divided into three eras:early networks before the introduction of X.25 and OSI,the X.25 era when many… … Wikipedia
Museo de la Luz — Fachada del Museo Información geográfica País … Wikipedia Español
Liste de locutions latines — Cet article contient une liste de locutions latines présentée par ordre alphabétique. Pour des explications morphologiques et linguistiques générales, consulter l article : Expression latine. Sommaire A B … … Wikipédia en Français
instantly — I adverb anon, at once, directly, expeditiously, extemplo, fast, forthwith, hastily, hurriedly, immediately, instantaneously, now, presently, promptly, quickly, rapidly, right away, right now, shortly, soon, speedily, statim, straightway, swiftly … Law dictionary
ALPES — I. ALPES montes sunt excelsi (qui Italiam separant a Gallia, Helvetia, Rhaetia, Hungaria, et Germania.) l Alpi Italis, Alpen Germanis dicti, qui mulriplices sunt; variaque, pro locorum diversitate, sortiuntur nomina. Longitud. 3000. Sunt enim 1.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ARACHNE — I. ARACHNE puella Lydia, Idmonis filia, lanificii peritissima, aegre ferens opus suum a Pallade, quâcum certamen susceperat confractum, laqueô gulam sibi fregit, quam Pallas in araneam trans. mutavit, uti testatur Ovid. Met. l. 6. v. 130. mbis:… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale