- exsolutio
- exsolūtio, ōnis f. [ exsolvo ]1) освобождение, избавление (dolorum omnium e. et finis Sen)2) уплата, погашение (debĭti Dig)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Exsolution — Ex so*lu tion, n. [L. exsolutio a release.] Relaxation. [R.] Richardson (Dict. ). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lathyrismus — Lathyrismus, chronische Vergiftung, die durch langen und (in Jahren der Teurung) fast ausschließlichen Gebrauch der Früchte von Lathyrus Arten erzeugt wird und oft epidemisch auftritt. Die Krankheit war den Alten als Crurum exsolutio, Crurum… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
exsolution — /eks seuh looh sheuhn/, n. Mineral. the process of exsolving. [ < L exsolution (s. of exsolutio). See EX 1, SOLUTION] * * * ▪ chemistry in mineralogy, process through which an initially homogeneous solid solution separates into at least two … Universalium
exolution — noun ( s) Etymology: Latin exsolution , exsolutio, from exsolutus (past participle of exsolvere to release, from ex ex (I) + solvere to loosen, release) + ion , io ion more at solve obsolete : a setting free … Useful english dictionary
exsolution — |ek(s)+ noun Etymology: Latin exsolution , exsolutio release, from exsolutus (past participle of exsolvere) + ion , io ion : the action or process of exsolving … Useful english dictionary