Thalia Édition — Logo de Thalia Éditions Repères historiques Création 2005 Fondateur(s) Aleksandra Sokolov Fiche d’identité Statut … Wikipédia en Français
Glæsisvellir — (meaning: glittering plains) was a location in Jotunheim in Norse mythology. It is mentioned in sources, such as Bósa saga ok Herrauds and Hervarar saga. [1] Contents 1 Legend 2 See also 3 References … Wikipedia
Pietro Alcionio — Pietro Alcionio, or Petrus Alcyonitus (c. 1487 ndash; 1527), the Venetian humanist, was a classical scholar under the patronage of Pope Clement VII, a translator of Aristotle who was hurt in the Sack of Rome in May 1527, and died later that… … Wikipedia
Armin T. Wegner — Armin Theophil Wegner (October 16 1886 ndash; May 17 1978) was a German soldier in World War I, a prolific author and a seminal figure in German Expressionism, a human rights activist, and a victim of Nazi persecution. [Fascism and Democracy in… … Wikipedia
Lex Papiria de dedicationibus — (The Papirian Law Concerning Dedications) was a law established in ancient Rome in around 304 BC, though the date is uncertain. According to Cicero, it was an old law introduced by thetribunes that forbade the dedication of a temple, and for… … Wikipedia
Theodorus the Atheist — Theodorus ( el. Θεόδωρος) the Atheist, of Cyrene, was a philosopher of the Cyrenaic school who lived around 300 BC. He lived in both Greece and Alexandria, before ending his days in his native city of Cyrene. As a Cyrenaic philosopher, he taught… … Wikipedia
Enzyklopädie (Wissensordnung) — Seit der Rezeption von Bildung und Wissenschaft der griechischen Antike in der römischen Literatur (ca. 200 v. Chr.) gibt es Versuche, das jeweils vorhandene Wissen der Menschheit in einer geordneten Gesamtdarstellung zu präsentieren. Eine solche … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gerhard Rauschen — (* 13. Oktober 1854 in Heinsberg; † 12. April 1917 in Bonn) war ein katholischer Theologe, Kirchenhistoriker, Patrologe und Schulmann. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saint-Maurice-l'Exil — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint Maurice. 45° 24′ 00″ N 4° 47′ 00″ E … Wikipédia en Français
Saint-Maurice l'Exil — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint Maurice. Saint Maurice l Exil Pays France … Wikipédia en Français
Saint-maurice-l'exil — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint Maurice. Saint Maurice l Exil Pays France … Wikipédia en Français