- affirmatio
- affīrmātio, ōnis f. [ affirmo ]утверждение, уверение, заверение (credere affirmationi alicujus C)nullā affirmatione adhibita C — ничего не утверждая
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
affirmatio — noun Making a statement as if it were in response to a question or were in dispute, especially when it is not … Wiktionary
affirmatio unius exclusio est alterius — /aef9rmeysh(iy)ow yuwnayas ekskluwzhiyow est oltiriyas/ The affirmance of one thing is the exclusion of the other … Black's law dictionary
affirmatio unius exclusio est alterius — /aef9rmeysh(iy)ow yuwnayas ekskluwzhiyow est oltiriyas/ The affirmance of one thing is the exclusion of the other … Black's law dictionary
in re dubia, magis inficiatio quam affirmatio intelligenda — /in riy d(y)iiwbiya, meyjas anfis(h)iyeysh(iy)ow kweem aef3rmeysh(iy)ow antelajenda/ In a doubtful matter, the denial or negative is to be understood [or regarded], rather than the affirmative … Black's law dictionary
negatio duplex est affirmatio — /nageysh(iy)ow d(y)uwpleks est aefarmeysh(iy)ow/ A double negative is an affirmative … Black's law dictionary
in re dubia, magis inficiatio quam affirmatio intelligenda — /in riy d(y)iiwbiya, meyjas anfis(h)iyeysh(iy)ow kweem aef3rmeysh(iy)ow antelajenda/ In a doubtful matter, the denial or negative is to be understood [or regarded], rather than the affirmative … Black's law dictionary
negatio duplex est affirmatio — /nageysh(iy)ow d(y)uwpleks est aefarmeysh(iy)ow/ A double negative is an affirmative … Black's law dictionary
In re dubia magis infitiatio quam affirmatio intelligenda — In a doubtful matter, the negative rather than the affirmative is to be understood … Ballentine's law dictionary
Juramentum est affirmatio vel negatio de aliquo, attestatione sacrae rei firmata — An oath is an affirmation or a denial concerning any matter, confirmed by the attestation of a sacred thing … Ballentine's law dictionary
Negatio duplex est affirmatio — A double negative is an affirmative … Ballentine's law dictionary
affirmation — [ afirmasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1313; affermation XIIe; lat. affirmatio 1 ♦ Action d affirmer, de donner pour vrai un jugement (qu il soit, dans la forme, affirmatif ou négatif); le jugement ainsi énoncé (opposé à interrogation).⇒ assertion, proposition.… … Encyclopédie Universelle