Смотреть что такое "excreta" в других словарях:
excreta — ● excreta nom masculin pluriel (latin excreta) Substances rejetées hors de l organisme, consistant principalement en déchets de la nutrition et du métabolisme (fèces, urines, sueur, matière sébacée, gaz carbonique, etc.). ● excreta (synonymes)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
excreta — f. fisiol. Todo material de desecho que se elimina del organismo (como heces, orina y sudor). Medical Dictionary. 2011. excreta términ … Diccionario médico
excreta — EXCRETÁ, excretez, vb. I.tranz. A elimina prin excreţie, a evacua din organism, în urma proceselor biochimice, substanţe devenite inutile sau vătămătoare. – Din fr. excréter. Trimis de ionel bufu, 16.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 excretá vb., ind.… … Dicționar Român
Excreta — Ex*cre ta, n. pl. [L.] Matters to be excreted. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
excreta — ► NOUN ▪ waste discharged from the body, especially faeces and urine. ORIGIN Latin … English terms dictionary
excreta — [eks krēt′ə] pl.n. [L, neut. pl. of excretus] waste matter excreted from the body, as sweat or urine excretal adj … English World dictionary
excreta — Kūkae, kākā, hana lepo; weka, wekaweka (of an infant). ♦ Dab of excreta, pala. ♦ To leave excreta here and there, as animals, pāki oki o … English-Hawaiian dictionary
excreta — excretal, adj. /ik skree teuh/, n. (usually used with a pl. v.) excreted matter, as urine, feces, or sweat. [1855 60; < L excreta things sifted out or separated, neut. pl. of EXCRETUS; see EXCRETE] * * * … Universalium
excreta — (èk skré ta) s. m. plur. Terme d hygiène. Choses qui sont rejetées du corps. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. excreta, choses excrétées, d excretus, part. passé de excernere (voy. excrément) … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
excreta — [[t]ɪkskri͟ːtə[/t]] N UNCOUNT Excreta is the waste matter, such as urine or faeces, which is passed out of a person or animal s body. [TECHNICAL or, FORMAL] … English dictionary
excreta — ex•cre•ta [[t]ɪkˈskri tə[/t]] n. pl. phl excreted matter, as urine • Etymology: 1855–60; < L excrēta chaff, neut. pl. of excrētus ex•cre′tal, adj … From formal English to slang