- eversor
ēversor, ōris m. [ everto ]1) разоритель, разрушитель (regnorum Priămi V; Carthagĭnis Q; juris humani PM)2) расточитель, растратчик (pecuniae CTh)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
eversor — |ô| adj. s. m. Destruidor; subversor … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Officio Assassinorum — L Officio Assassinorum est une composante de l Imperium dans l univers de fiction de Warhammer 40,000. L Officio Assassinorum est une des branches les plus secrètes de l Imperium, hormis la Sainte Inquisition Impériale. Ses membres sont chargés d … Wikipédia en Français
Bob Nanna — (born June 14, 1975) is a Chicago native who was very influential in the 1990s Midwestern indie rock movement. When Nanna was in high school, he was influenced by such bands as Jawbreaker and Fugazi. He played drums and sang lead vocals in a band … Wikipedia
Moo Cow Records — is an independent record label that was formed in 1992 releasing largely, but not solely, hardcore and punk vinyl. It has been based over the years in Burlington, VT (where it started), Boston, MA (mailing address in the suburb of Belmont, MA),… … Wikipedia
Inquisitor — est un jeu de figurines créé par Gavin Thorpe et publié par Games Workshop (GW) en 2001. Inquisitor se déroule dans l univers futuriste de Warhammer 40,000, autre jeu produit par GW. GW ne produit plus régulièrement de figurines pour Inquisitor… … Wikipédia en Français
Andala — Andala, Ruard, geb. 1665 in Friesland, wendete die Cartesische Philosophie auf die Theologie an, st. 1727; schr. u. a.: Exercitatt. in philos. primam et natural., Franeck. 1709; Syntagma theolog. physico. metaph., ebd. 1710; Examen ethicae… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Diversidad — – The Experience Album is a hip hop album part of the Diversidad program: Diversidad: A Unique European Urban Experience. This program includes the hip hop album, a movie series, a festival show tour, a community website and a graphic art… … Wikipedia
Bistahieversor — Der Schädel von Bistahieversor während der Präparation Zeitraum Oberes Campanium (Oberkreide) 76 bis 74 Mio. Jahre Fundorte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bistahieversor — ? † Bistahieversor … Википедия
Список видов златок рода Agrilus — Приложение к статье Agrilus В роде Agrilus около 3000 видов. Список видов Agrilus abantiades Descarpentries Villiers, 1963 Agrilus abditus Horn, 1891 Agrilus abdominalis Saunders, 1874 Agrilus abductus Horn, 1891 Agrilus abeillei (Théry, 1905)… … Википедия
CELERIUS — praenomine Publius, Eques Roman. Iunii Silani eversor, Tacitus. l. 13. Annal. c. 1 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale