- Eurylochus
ī m.Эврилох, спутник Одиссея, отказавшийся выпить колдовское снадобье Кирки O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Eurylochus — may refer to:* In Greek mythology, Eurylochus appears in Homer s Odyssey as second in command of Odysseus ship during the return to Ithaca. * Eurylochus , one of the sons of Aegyptus and Caliadne. He married (and was murdered by) Autonoe,… … Wikipedia
EURYLOCHUS — I. EURYLOCHUS frater Epimenis, qui acceptum a fratre coniurationis indicium, quam pueri nobiles principe Hermolao contra Alexandrum Mag. inierant, detulit. Curt. l. 8. c. 6. II. EURYLOCHUS secundum Polyaen. l. 6. ductum aquarum in opp.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Eurylochus (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Eurylochus, or Eurýlokhos appears in Homer s Odyssey as second in command of Odysseus ship during the return to Ithaca after the Trojan War. He was also a relative of Odysseus through marriage. He is an unpleasant cowardly… … Wikipedia
ЭВРИЛОХ — • Eurylŏchus, Ευρύλοχος, родственник и спутник Одиссея; по жребию ему пришлось с половиною отряда идти к жилищу Цирцеи, и он один избегнул участия быть превращенным в свинью. На острове Фринакии он уговорил своих товарищей заколоть… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Battle of Olpae — Part of the Peloponnesian War Date 426 BC Location Olpae Result A … Wikipedia
426 BC — NOTOC EventsBy placeGreece* The Athenian leader Cleon and Athenian general Demosthenes revitalise the city s military and naval forces despite opposition from Nicias, a rich merchant and soldier, and his supporters. * Demosthenes unsuccessfully… … Wikipedia
Homer's Odyssey Two (radio) — “Homer’s Odyssey: Voyage to the Underworld” is a radio program from the American radio anthology series Radio Tales. The anthology series adapted classic works of American and world literature for the radio. The series was a recipient of numerous … Wikipedia
Circe — For other uses, see Circe (disambiguation). Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, by John William Waterhouse. In Greek mythology, Circe ( … Wikipedia
Menelaus — For other uses, see Menelaus (disambiguation). Menelaus In Greek mythology, Menelaus (Ancient Greek: Μενέλαος, Menelaos) was a legendary king of Mycenaean (pre Dorian) Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Mentes — In Greek mythology, Mentes (Μέντης) is the name of two different Trojan War leaders, the King of the Cicones (according to the Iliad) and the King of the Taphians and the son of Antiloches (according to the Odyssey). In Book XVII of The Iliad,… … Wikipedia
Medon — In Greek mythology, there were four people called Medon (Ancient Greek: Μέδων, gen.: Μέδοντος). Medon is the faithful herald of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey. Following the advice of his son Telemachus, Odysseus spares Medon’s life after murdering… … Wikipedia