- Eumolpidae
ārum m.потомки Эвмолпа, т. е. древний жреческий род в Афинах C, Nep
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Eumolpidae — The Eumolpidae ( el. Ευμολπιδαι) were one of the sacred Eleusinian families of priests that ran the Eleusinian Mysteries during the Hellenic era. They popularized the cult and allowed many more to be initiated into the great secrets of Demeter… … Wikipedia
Евмолп — (или Эвмолп, др. греч. Εὔμολπος) в древнегреческой мифологии[1] основатель элевсинских таинств[2], родоначальник наследственных жрецов храма Деметры в Элевсине Евмолпидов. Сын Посейдона[3] и Хионы[4] … Википедия
Eleusinian Mysteries — Topics in Greek mythology Gods Primordial gods and Titans Zeus and the Olympians Pan and the nymphs Apollo and Dionysus Sea gods and Earth gods Heroes Heracles and his Labors Achilles and the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Mopsus — For other uses, see Mopsus (disambiguation). Mopsus or Mopsos (Greek: Μόψος) was the name of two famous seers in Greek mythology. A historical/legendary Mopsus was the founder of a house in power at widespread sites in the coastal plains of… … Wikipedia
Ceryx — For the moth genus, see Ceryx (moth). In Greek mythology, Ceryx or Keryx (English translation: herald ) was a son of Hermes and either Pandrosus[1] or Agraulus.[2] He was, like his father, a messenger of the gods. According to Pausanias, he was… … Wikipedia
Kerykes — The Kerykes ( el. Κήρυκες) were one of the sacred Eleusinian families of priests that ran the Eleusinian Mysteries during the Hellenic era. They popularized the cult and allowed many more to be initiated into the great secrets of Demeter and… … Wikipedia
Herald-Keryx — In Greek mythology, Herald Keryx was the youngest son of Eumolpus, one of the first priests of Demeter at Eleusis and a founder of the Eleusinian Mysteries. He founded the two families of high priests in Eleusis: the Eumolpidae and the Kerykes … Wikipedia
Apis (Egyptian mythology) — Hiero|Apis|V28 Aa5:Q3 E1 , or G39, or Aa5:Q3 G43, or Aa5:Q3|align=right|era=egypt : For other uses, see Apis (Disambiguation). : Hap redirects here. For hydroxylapatite (HAP) ceramics, see hydroxylapatite. In Egyptian mythology, Apis or Hapis… … Wikipedia
Eunapius — was a Greek sophist and historian of the 4th century.LifeHe was born at Sardis, AD 347. In his native city he studied under his relative, the sophist Chrysanthius, and while still a youth went to Athens, where he became a favourite pupil of… … Wikipedia
List of ancient Greeks — This an alphabetical list of ancient Greeks. These include ethnic Greeks and Greek language speakers from Greece and the Mediterranean world up to about 200 AD. compactTOCRelated articles NOTOC A*Acacius of Caesarea bishop of Caesarea… … Wikipedia
Serapis — For other usages, see Serapis (disambiguation). The Hellenistic Egyptian god Serapis and his attributes. Serapis or Sarapis was a Graeco Egyptian god. He was invented during the 3rd century BC on the orders of Ptolemy I of Egypt as a means to… … Wikipedia