
Euēnus, ī m.
Эвен, река в Этолии близ Калидона (по имени этолийского царя) O, PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Euenus" в других словарях:

  • Euenus — (or Evenus) of Paros, ( el. Εὔηνος), was a 5th century BC philosopher and poet who was roughly contemporary with Socrates. Several fragments of his poetry exist in the Palatine Anthology and Euenus is mentioned several times in Plato s Phaedo,… …   Wikipedia

  • ЭВЕН —    • Euēnus,          Ευηνος,        1. два греческих элегических поэта из Пароса, от которых сохранились некоторые маленькие отрывки, хотя наверно не знают, которому из двух писателей приписать уцелевшие отрывки. Один из них (младший или… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Gnomic poetry — For the map projection see Gnomonic projection; for the game, see Nomic. Gnomic poetry consists of maxims put into verse to aid the memory. They were known by the Greeks as gnomes, from the Greek word for an opinion . A gnome was defined by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Ares — This article is about the ancient Greek god. For other uses, see Ares (disambiguation). Ares …   Wikipedia

  • Thracians — For other uses, see Thracian (disambiguation). Thracian peltast, 5th–4th century BC. The ancient Thracians (Ancient Greek: Θρᾷκες, Latin: Thraci) were a group of Indo European tribes inhabiting areas including Thrace in Southeastern Europe …   Wikipedia

  • List of ancient Greeks — This an alphabetical list of ancient Greeks. These include ethnic Greeks and Greek language speakers from Greece and the Mediterranean world up to about 200 AD. compactTOCRelated articles NOTOC A*Acacius of Caesarea bishop of Caesarea… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Greek mythological creatures — The following is a list of creatures from Greek mythology. The list does not include gods and other divine and semi divine figures; for these, see List of Greek mythological figures. Contents 1 Mythical monsters 2 Mythical hybrids 3 Mythical… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrax (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Thrax (by his name simply the quintessential Thracian) was regarded as one of the reputed sons of Ares. [Lemprière and Wright, p. 358. Mars was father of Cupid, Anteros, and Harmonia, by the goddess Venus. He had Ascalaphus… …   Wikipedia

  • Divinites grecques des vents — Divinités grecques des vents Dans la mythologie grecque et plus tard romaine, les divinités des vents ou Anémoi (en grec ancien Ἄνεμοι / Ánemoi, « les Vents » et en latin Venti, « les Vents »), fils d Éos (l Aurore) et d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Divinité grecque des vents — Divinités grecques des vents Dans la mythologie grecque et plus tard romaine, les divinités des vents ou Anémoi (en grec ancien Ἄνεμοι / Ánemoi, « les Vents » et en latin Venti, « les Vents »), fils d Éos (l Aurore) et d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Divinités Grecques Des Vents — Dans la mythologie grecque et plus tard romaine, les divinités des vents ou Anémoi (en grec ancien Ἄνεμοι / Ánemoi, « les Vents » et en latin Venti, « les Vents »), fils d Éos (l Aurore) et d Astréos ou d Éole, sont les… …   Wikipédia en Français

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