- Euboea
ae f.Эвбея, о-в у побережья Аттики и Беотии Nep, L, O etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
EUBOEA — maxima Aegaei maris ins. inter Sunium Atticae prom. et Thessaliam in longitudive extensa, et a Boeotia Euripo admodum angusto dirempta. Ita dicta ab Euboea Heroicae indolis matrona, cum antea Maeris et Abantis, Chalcis, et Asopis nunuparetur, ut… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Euboea — [yo͞o bē′ə] large island in the Aegean Sea, off the E coast of Greece: 1,411 sq mi (3,654 sq km) … English World dictionary
Euboea — For the mythological figure, see Euboea (mythology). For the administrative unit, see Euboea (regional unit). Euboea Εύβοια Chalkis Geography … Wikipedia
Euboea — Euboean, adj., n. Euboic /yooh boh ik/, adj. /yooh bee euh/, n. a Greek island in the W Aegean Sea. 165,369; 1586 sq. mi. (4110 sq. km). Cap.: Chalcis. Also called Negropont. Modern Greek, Evvoia. * * * Greek Évvoia Island, Greece, in the Aegean… … Universalium
Euboea — Euböa Strandpromenade Chalkidas Gewässer Mittelmeer Geographische Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euboea — Island in the Aegean Sea (q.v.) located close to the mainland of eastern Greece (q.v.), running almost parallel along the coast of Attica and Boeotia (q.v.), separated by a strait that contracts into a narrow channel called the Euripos. The… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
Euboea — Eubée Nome d’Eubée Νομός Εύβοιας Statistiques Pé … Wikipédia en Français
Euboea — Sp Eubojà Ap Εύβοια/Evvoia, Evvia graikiškai Sp Èvija Ap Euboea lotyniškai L s. Egėjo j., Graikijos nomas … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Euboea (mythology) — Euboea is the name of four women in Greek mythology #Euboea or Calchis, a naiad, daughter of the Boeotian river god Asopus and of Metope. Poseidon abducted her. The island of Euboea (or the city of Calchis, located on that island) was given her… … Wikipedia
Euboea (Asteroid) — Asteroid (1119) Euboea Eigenschaften des Orbits Orbittyp Hauptgürtelasteroid Große Halbachse 2,6119 AE Exzentrizität 0,1536 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euboea, Gulf of — ▪ gulf, Greece Modern Greek Evvoïkós Kólpos, arm of the Aegean Sea, between the island of Euboea (northeast) and the Greek mainland (southwest). Trending northwest southeast, the gulf is divided by the narrow Strait of Euripus, at the… … Universalium