- etesiae
- etēsiae, ārum f. [ etesius ]пассатные ветры (дующие с севера и северо-запада в Эгейском море в течение 40 жарких, «каникулярных», дней года) Lcr, C, Cs, L etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ETESIAE — venti quotannis statis temporibus flantes, biduo incipientes post Caniculae exortum, et ad dies fere 40. continuantes Sic dicti quasi annui. Ε῎τος enim Graecis est annus. Etesia flabra Aquilonum Lucret. dicuntur l. 5. et 6. Senec. veliferas vocat … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
étésien — [ etezjɛ̃ ] adj. m. • 1542; étésies 1539; lat. etesiæ, gr. etêsioi, sous ent. anemoi « (vents) périodiques, annuels », de etos « année » ♦ Didact. Vents étésiens : vents du nord qui soufflent en Méditerranée orientale chaque année pendant la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Etesien — Ete|si|en 〈Pl.〉 jahreszeitl. Winde im östl. Mittelmeergebiet [zu grch. etos „Jahr“] * * * Ete|si|en <Pl.> [lat. etesiae < griech. etēsi̓ai, eigtl. = (all)jährliche (Winde)]: von Mai bis Oktober regelmäßig wehende, trockene… … Universal-Lexikon
VENTUS — a veniendo; insigne Meteorum est, e quo Auguria quoque Veteribus captari consuevisle, testatur Luctatius Grammaticus ad l. 3. Thebaid. v. 665. ubi Statius, Ventisque aut alite visâ Bellorum proferre diem. Solent enim, inquit, Augures Ventorum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
embattes — Embattes, Vents que les Latins nomment, Etesiae Etesiarum. Hi quadraginta diebus perflant post Caniculae exortum, et ce tous les ans, et pourtant sont ils nommez Etesiae, c est à dire, Anniuersarij, ou annui: Car tous les ans en mesmes temps ils… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Etesian — E*te sian, a. [L. etesiae, pl., periodic winds, Gr. ?, fr. ? year: cf. F. [ e]t[ e]sien.] Periodical; annual; applied to winds which annually blow from the north over the Mediterranean, esp. the eastern part, for an irregular period during July… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Etesian — The etesians (Ancient Greek ετησίαι annual (winds) , sometimes found in the Latin form etesiae), meltemi μελτέμι (Greek), or meltem (Turkish) are the strong, dry north windsof the Aegean Sea, which blow from about mid May to mid September. During … Wikipedia
Euthymenes — (early sixth century BCE) was a Greek explorer from Massilia (Marseille), who explored the coast of West Africa as far, apparently, as a great river, of which the outflow made the sea at its mouth fresh or brackish. His published accounts are not … Wikipedia
ВЕТРЫ — • Venti. I. В физическом отношении. В., подразделявшиеся на морские и береговые (τροπαι̃οι, altani ab alto и α̉πόγειοι, apogei), по силе своей бывают или обыкновенные В., άνεμοι, venti, или бури, χειμω̃νες, θύελλαι, procellae, и… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Classical compass winds — The Tower of the Winds in Athens Classical compass winds refers to the naming and association of winds in Mediterranean classical antiquity (Ancient Greece and Rome) with the points of geographic direction and orientation. Ancient wind roses… … Wikipedia
Etesio — Los etesios (en griego antiguo ετησίαι (vientos) anuales , a veces en latín aparece escrito como etesiae), meltemi μελτέμι (griego), o meltem (turco) son fuertes vientos del norte, secos, del mar Egeo, que soplan desde mediados de mayo hasta… … Wikipedia Español