- Erythras
- Erythrās, ae или Erythrus, ī m.Эритр, миф. царь Аравии и Персии, по имени которого якобы названо mare Erythraeum, т. е. Красное море (mare Rubrum) Mela, PM, Sol
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Erythras — was a name attributed to two men in Greek mythology.*Erythras, son of Heracles and Exole, daughter of Thespius and Megamede. [Apollodorus. The Library , [http://www.theoi.com/Text/Apollodorus2.html 2.7.8] .] *Erythras, son of Leucon. One of the… … Wikipedia
Erythras [1] — ERYTHRAS, æ, ein alter König, von welchem das erythräische oder rothe Meer den Namen bekommen, der aber an sich kein anderer, als Edom, oder Esau, gewesen, als dessen Namen Edom einerley mit Erythras, und dieser mit roth, ist. Voss. Theol. gent.… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Erythras — ERYTHRAS, æ, Gr. Ἐρύθρας, ου, (⇒ Tab. XI.) einer von des Herkules Söhnen, welche er mit den funfzig Töchtern des Thespius zeugete. Apollod. lib. II. c. 7. §ult. Sieh Thespiades … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
ERYTHRAS — fil. Persei, ac Andromedes, qui in confinio Rubri maris regnum habuit, unde mare Erythraeum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Poseidon — This article is about the Greek god. For other uses, see Poseidon (disambiguation). Poseidon … Wikipedia
Agatharchides — (Ἀγαθαρχίδης or Agatharchus Ἀγάθαρχος) of Cnidus, was a Greek historian and geographer (flourished 2nd century BC).LifeHe is believed to have been born at Cnidus; this leading to his appellation. As Stanley M. Burstein notes, the evidence for… … Wikipedia
Lost work — A lost work is a document or literary work produced some time in the past of which no surviving copies are known to exist. Works may be lost to history either through the destruction of the original manuscript, or through the non survival of any… … Wikipedia
Thespius — (Θέσπιος) was a legendary king of Thespiae, Boeotia. His life account is considered part of Greek mythology. Life accountHe was reportedly son of Erechtheus, King of Athens and Praxithea. His maternal grandparents were Phrasimus and Diogenia.… … Wikipedia
Daughters of Danaus — The Danaides (1903), a Pre Raphaelite interpretation by John William Waterhouse In Greek mythology, the Daughters of Danaus or Danaids (also Danaides or Danaïdes; Greek: Δαναΐδες; English pronunciation: /dəˈneɪɪdiːz/) were the fifty da … Wikipedia
Rotes Meer — Karte des Roten Meeres Satellitenbild des Roten Meeres … Deutsch Wikipedia
Agatárquidas — (Ἀγαθαρχίδης o Agatarco Ἀγάθαρχος) de Cnido fue un historiador griego y geógrafo del Siglo II a. C. Vivió cerca del año 116 a .C .[1] En el año 1935 se decidió en su honor llamarle «Agatharchides» a un cráter lunar localizado… … Wikipedia Español