- erroneus
errōneus, a, um [ erro I \]странствующий, бродячий, скитающийся (canes Col); заблудший (ovis Hier); блуждающий (stella Ap)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
erroneus — L. erro, wanderer; eus, pertaining to. Origin of the name uncertain as not given by author but may refer to the species having a creeping habit … Etymological dictionary of grasses
Ocinebrina hispidula — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: G … Wikipedia
erroné — erroné, ée [ erɔne ] adj. • XVe; lat. eroneus, de errare → errer ♦ Qui contient des erreurs; qui constitue une erreur. ⇒ 1. faux, incorrect, inexact. Affirmation, assertion erronée. Nouvelle erronée. Citation erronée. ⇒ fautif. Conclusions… … Encyclopédie Universelle
erronée — ● erroné, erronée adjectif (latin erroneus, vagabond, de errare, errer) Qui comporte une erreur, qui est entaché d erreur ; inexact, faux : Calcul erroné. Doctrine erronée. ● erroné, erronée (difficultés) adjectif (latin erroneus, vagabond, de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
erróneo — (Del lat. erroneus.) ► adjetivo Que no es acertado o que contiene error: ■ realizó un juicio erróneo. SINÓNIMO equivocado ANTÓNIMO correcto * * * erróneo, a adj. Hecho o dicho con error: ‘Una determinación [o afirmación] errónea’. ≃ Equivocado. * … Enciclopedia Universal
erroneous — late 14c., from O.Fr. erroneus and directly from L. erroneus vagrant, wandering (in Late Latin erroneous ), from erronem (nom. erro) vagabond, from errare to wander, err (see ERR (Cf. err)). Related: Erroneously … Etymology dictionary
erroneous — adj. incorrect; arising from error. Derivatives: erroneously adv. erroneousness n. Etymology: ME f. OF erroneus or L erroneus f. erro onis vagabond (as ERR) … Useful english dictionary
Erroneous — Er*ro ne*ous, a. [L. erroneus, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; hence, irregular; unnatural. [Obs.] Erroneous circulation. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] Stopped much of the erroneous light, which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Erroneously — Erroneous Er*ro ne*ous, a. [L. erroneus, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; hence, irregular; unnatural. [Obs.] Erroneous circulation. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] Stopped much of the erroneous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Erroneousness — Erroneous Er*ro ne*ous, a. [L. erroneus, fr. errare to err. See {Err}.] 1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; hence, irregular; unnatural. [Obs.] Erroneous circulation. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] Stopped much of the erroneous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
erroneous — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin erroneus, from erron , erro wanderer, from errare Date: 15th century 1. containing or characterized by error ; mistaken < erroneous assumptions > < gave an erroneous impression > 2. archaic… … New Collegiate Dictionary