- epistolicus
- a, um [ epistola ]изложенный в форме писем, эпистолярный AG
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Epistolic — Ep is*tol ic, Epistolical Ep is*tol ic*al, a. [L. epistolicus, Gr. ?.] Pertaining to letters or epistles; in the form or style of letters; epistolary. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Epistolical — Epistolic Ep is*tol ic, Epistolical Ep is*tol ic*al, a. [L. epistolicus, Gr. ?.] Pertaining to letters or epistles; in the form or style of letters; epistolary. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Johann Matthias Gesner — (9 April 1691 3 August 1761), was a German classical scholar and schoolmaster.He was born at Roth an der Rednitz near Ansbach. He studied at the University of Jena, and in 1714 published a work on the Philopatiis ascribed to Lucian. In 1715 he… … Wikipedia
Daniel Whitby — (1638–1726) was a controversial English theologian and biblical commentator. An Arminian priest in the Church of England, Whitby was known as strongly anti Calvinistic and later gave evidence of strong Arian and Unitarian tendencies. Engraving of … Wikipedia
Johann Matthias Gesner — Johann Matthias Gesner. Titelkupfer des Novus Linguæ Et Eruditionis Romanae Thesaurus (1747) Johann Matthias Gesner (* 9. April 1691 in Roth an der Rednitz; † 3. August 1761 in Göttingen) war ein Pädagoge, klassischer Philologe und Bibliothekar.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gesner — Gesner, 1) Konrad von, genannt der deutsche Plinius, Naturforscher und Polyhistor, geb. 26. März 1516 in Zürich, gest. daselbst 13. Dez. 1565, studierte in Straßburg, Bourges und Paris Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und griechische und lateinische… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
epistolic — /ep euh stol ik/, adj. epistolary. Also, epistolical. [1735 45; < L epistolicus < Gk epistolikós suited to a letter. See EPISTLE, IC] * * * … Universalium
epistólico — epistólico, a (ant.) adj. Epistolar. * * * epistólico, ca. (Del lat. epistolĭcus). adj. desus. epistolar … Enciclopedia Universal
epistólico — epistólico, ca (Del lat. epistolĭcus). adj. desus. epistolar … Diccionario de la lengua española