- Epictetus
Epictētus, ī m.Эпиктет, из Гиераполиса (Фригия), вольноотпущенник Эпафродита, философ-стоик AG
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
EPICTETUS° — (c. 100 C.E.), Greek Stoic philosopher, who made several noncommittal observations on the Jews. Epictetus wrote no books; the sole source of his teachings is the Discourses of Arrian. Here (1:11, 12–13) it is related that Epictetus indicated the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
EPICTETUS — Philosophus Stoicus, ex Hierapoli Phrygiae urbe, Romae Epaphrodito cuidam Neronis familiari servivit, atque ad Marci usque Antonini tempora pervenit, Domitiano autem imperante, eius dominatu offensus, Româ Hierapolin migravit, ratus verum esse,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Epictetus — [ep΄ik tēt′əs] A.D. 50? 135?; Gr. Stoic philosopher in Rome & Epirus … English World dictionary
Epictetus — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = Ancient philosophy color = lightsteelblue image size = 200px image caption = An artistic impression of Epictetus name = Epictetus birth = ca. 55 Hierapolis, Phrygia death = ca. 135 Nicopolis,… … Wikipedia
Epictetus — Epiktet (griechisch Ἐπίκτητος, lateinisch Epictetus; * um 50 in Hierapolis in Phrygien; † um 125 in Nikopolis in Epirus) war ein antiker Philosoph. Er zählt zu den einflussreichsten Vertretern der späten Stoa. Als Sklave gelangte Epiktet nach Rom … Deutsch Wikipedia
Epictetus — Epictetian /ep ik tee sheuhn/, adj. /ep ik tee teuhs/, n. A.D. c60 c120, Greek Stoic philosopher and teacher, mainly in Rome. * * * born с AD 55 died с 135 Greek philosopher associated with Stoicism. His original name is not known; epiktetos… … Universalium
Epictetus, SS. (1) — 1SS. Epictetus et 21 Soc. MM. (9. Jan.) Vom Griech. Επίκτητος = dazu erworben, erkünstelt, neu etc. – Dieser hl. Epiktet war ein Martyrer in Afrika; seine Gefährten sind nach den Bollandisten folgende: Quinctus, Secundus, Jucundus, Saturninus,… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Epictetus, SS. (2) — 2SS. Epictetus, Ruppus et Publianus, (24. Jan.), Martyrer in Afrika. (II. 590.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Epictetus, SS. (3) — 3SS. Epictetus et Astion, MM. (8. Juli). Dieser hl. Epictet war ein Priester im Morgenland, zur Zeit Diocletians. Unter den Vielen, die er in seinem apostolischen Eifer bekehrte, war auch ein Jüngling, Namens Astion, welcher sich dann aus Furcht… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Epictetus — (c. AD 55–135) The most influential teacher of Stoicism of his time, Epictetus was born a slave in Asia Minor. He was given his freedom around the year 68, but was banished from Rome by Diocletian around 90. He was lame for much of his life. It… … Philosophy dictionary
EPICTETUS — a celebrated Stoic philosopher of the 1st century, originally a slave; lived and taught at Rome, but after the expulsion of the philosophers retired to Nicopolis, in Epirus; was lame, and lived in poverty; his conversations were collected by… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia