- epici
epicī, ōrum m.эпические поэты Q
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Alberto Bernabé Pajares — Alberto Bernabé Pajares, filólogo español, (Huelva, 1946 ), destacado por sus estudios sobre el orfismo, la épica griega arcaica, la crítica textual y la lingüística indoeuropea. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Obra 2.1 Bibliografía selecta … Wikipedia Español
CYCLICUS Scriptor — apud Horatium, de Arte, v. 136. idem cum Epico Poeta Rhapsodo, Turnebo, Advers. l. 19. c. 9. Salmasio vero non omne Poema Heroicum Κύκλος Ε᾿πικὸς dictus est: Sed opus ex multis diversorum Poetarum carminibus (qui Ποιηταὶ τȏυ Κύκλου vocabantur)… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
EPICUM Poema — omnium princeps est, quia continet materias universas, utpote ex Pastorali, Comico et Tragico genere mixtum. Inprimis vero argumentum eius, Dux, miles, clas sis, equus, victoria, uti Horat. docet ad Epicum nobilissimum Vatium Carmin. l. 1. od. 6 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
eddico — èd·di·co agg. TS lett. dell Edda; proprio del genere norreno esemplificato dalla raccolta dei poemi epici chiamata Edda {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: der. di Edda, titolo di una raccolta di antichi poemi epici norreni, con ico … Dizionario italiano
ГЕОРГИЙ ПИСИДА — [греч. Γεώργιος Πισίδης] (до 600, Антиохия Писидийская (?) между 631 и 634, К поль), визант. поэт, гимнограф, полемист. Был диаконом, скевофилаком и референдарием Великой церкви. Прославился поэтическими панегириками как военно исторического, так … Православная энциклопедия
Orpheus — For other uses, see Orpheus (disambiguation). Roman mosaic depicting Orpheus, wearing a Phrygian cap and surrounded by the beasts charmed by the music of his lyre. Orpheus ( … Wikipedia
Enyalius — in Greek mythology is generally a byname of Ares the god of war but is sometimes differentiated.Homer calls Ares Enyalios (Ἐνυάλιος) in Iliad book xx, and Aristophanes (in Peace ), envisages Ares and Enyalios as separate gods of war.In… … Wikipedia
Religion in ancient Greece — Greek religion encompasses the collection of beliefs and rituals practiced in ancient Greece in the form of both popular public religion and cult practices. These different groups varied enough so that one might speak of Greek religions , though… … Wikipedia
Orphism (religion) — Orphic mosaics were found in many late Roman villas Orphism (more rarely Orphicism) (Ancient Greek: Ὀρφικά) is the name given to a set of religious[1] beliefs and practices in the ancient Greek and the Hellenistic wo … Wikipedia
Homeric scholarship — is the study of Homeric epic, especially the two large surviving epics, the Iliad and Odyssey. It is currently part of the academic discipline of classical studies, but the subject is one of the very oldest topics in all scholarship or science,… … Wikipedia
Tomislav Maretić — (October 13, 1854, Virovitica January 15, 1938, Zagreb), one of the greatest Croatian linguists and lexicographers.He attended primary school in Virovitica and the gymnasium in Varaždin, Požega and Zagreb. After graduating simultaneously… … Wikipedia