
ēmūnctōrium, ī n. [ emungo ]
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Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "emunctorium" в других словарях:

  • émonctoire — [ emɔ̃ktwar ] n. m. • 1314; lat. emunctum, supin de emungere « moucher » ♦ Physiol. Organe qui élimine les substances inutiles formées au cours des processus de désassimilation. Émonctoires naturels : anus, foie, méat urinaire, narine, poumon,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • emuntorio — (Derivado del lat. emungere, sonar la nariz.) ► sustantivo masculino ANATOMÍA Órgano del cuerpo que realiza la eliminación de sustancias: ■ los riñones y el recto son emuntorios. * * * emuntorio (del lat. «emunctorĭum», de «emungĕre», limpiar) 1… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Emunctories — Emunctory E*munc to*ry, n.; pl. {Emunctories}. [L. emunctorium a pair of snuffers, fr. emungere, emunctum, to blow the nose, hence, to wipe, cleanse; e out + mungere to blow the nose: cf. F. [ e]monctoire, formerly spelled also [ e]monctoire.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Emunctory — E*munc to*ry, n.; pl. {Emunctories}. [L. emunctorium a pair of snuffers, fr. emungere, emunctum, to blow the nose, hence, to wipe, cleanse; e out + mungere to blow the nose: cf. F. [ e]monctoire, formerly spelled also [ e]monctoire.] (Physiol.)… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Altar cloth — Altar covered with white altar cloths. An (altar cloth) is used by various religious groups to cover an altar. Christianity, ancient Judaism, and Buddhism are among the world religions that use altar cloths. Because many altars are made of wood… …   Wikipedia

  • emunctory — /i mungk teuh ree/, n., pl. emunctories, adj. Physiol. n. 1. a part or organ of the body, as the skin or a kidney, that functions in carrying off waste products. adj. 2. excretory. [1535 45; < NL emunctorium (n.), emunctorius (adj.), equiv. to L… …   Universalium

  • Chalice — • Occupies the first place among sacred vessels, and by a figure of speech the material cup is often used as if it were synonymous with the Precious Blood itself Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Chalice     Chalice …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • mouchoir — (mou choir) s. m. 1°   Linge pour se moucher. •   Mais que veut cette esclave avecque ce mouchoir ?, MAIRET Soliman, III, 2. •   Vous pouvez resserrer vos mouchoirs, je ne vous ferai plus pleurer [par mes récits], SÉV. 219. •   Picrochole,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • émonctoire — (é mon ktoi r ) s. m. Terme de physiologie. Canal, conduit ou, en général, organe destiné à évacuer les humeurs devenues superflues. Les reins sont les émonctoires de l urine.    Terme de médecine. Émonctoires artificiels, les cautères, les… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • emunctory — /əˈmʌŋktəri/ (say uh mungktuhree) noun (plural emunctories) 1. a part or organ of the body, as the skin, a kidney, etc., carrying off waste products. –adjective 2. excretory. {New Latin, from Latin ēmunctōrium a pair of snuffers} …  

  • emuntorio — (Del lat. emunctorĭum, de emungĕre, limpiar). 1. m. Anat. Conducto, canal u órgano excretor del cuerpo de los animales. 2. Anat. Glándulas de los sobacos, de las ingles y de detrás de las orejas …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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