Emptio spei — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emptio spei es la denominación en latín de una figura contractual procedente del Derecho romano, cuya traducción literal sería compraventa de esperanza . El término se utiliza en Derecho para designar un contrato… … Wikipedia Español
Emptio venditio — • Emptio venditio, контракт при покупке, находившийся под конец Республики под защитой actio empti или venditi. Процесс этот начинал или покупщик за неисполнение контракта, или продавщик в случае неуплаты денег за покупку … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Emptio spei — Ein Hoffnungskauf (lat.: emptio spei) ist ein Kaufvertrag, der die Chance auf einen möglichen Gewinn zum Gegenstand hat. Der Käufer muss dabei auch dann den Kaufpreis entrichten, wenn sich die Hoffnung auf den Gewinn nicht erfüllt. Heutiges… … Deutsch Wikipedia
emptio-venditio — ˈem(p)tēˌōˌwenˈdid.ēˌō noun or emptio et venditio tēˌō(ˌ)et(ˌ)w Etymology: Latin emptio et venditio buying and selling : the consensual contract between two parties for the purchase of something by one party and its sale by the other at an agreed … Useful english dictionary
emptio et venditio — /em(p)sh(iy)ow et vandish(iy)ow/ Purchase and sale; sometimes translated emption and vendition. The name of the contract of sale in the Roman law. Sometimes made a compound word, emptio venditio … Black's law dictionary
emptio rei sperata — /em(p)sh(iy)ow riyay spareytiy/ A purchase in the hope of an uncertain future profit; the purchase of a thing not yet in existence or not yet in the possession of the seller, as, the cast of a net or a crop to be grown, and the price of which is… … Black's law dictionary
emptio et venditio — /em(p)sh(iy)ow et vandish(iy)ow/ Purchase and sale; sometimes translated emption and vendition. The name of the contract of sale in the Roman law. Sometimes made a compound word, emptio venditio … Black's law dictionary
emptio rei sperata — /em(p)sh(iy)ow riyay spareytiy/ A purchase in the hope of an uncertain future profit; the purchase of a thing not yet in existence or not yet in the possession of the seller, as, the cast of a net or a crop to be grown, and the price of which is… … Black's law dictionary
emptio et venditio — noun see emptio venditio … Useful english dictionary
emptio — n. (Latin) purchase, agreement or contract in which something is bought (Law) … English contemporary dictionary
emptio — /em(p)sh(iy)ow/ In the Roman and civil law, the act of buying; a purchase … Black's law dictionary