- Aesacus
(-os), ī m.Эсак, один из сыновей Приама, превращенный в водяную птицу O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Aesacus — or Aisakos, in Greek mythology, was a son of King Priam of Troy. Aesacus sorrowed for the death of his wife or would be lover, a daughter of the river Cebren, and was transformed into a bird.Apollodorus makes Aesacus son of Priam s first wife… … Wikipedia
AESACUS — fluv. Troianus ad Idam montem Item Priani fil. ex Alyxothoe Dymantis filia, plus silvis quam civitatibus delectatus. Hic cum Hesperiam, seu Eperiem liberali formâ puellam videret, adeo eius amore captus est, ut in silvas eam sequeretur, quae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ornithoptera aesacus — ? Ornithoptera aesacus … Википедия
Ornithoptera aesacus — Conservation status Vulnerable ( … Wikipedia
ЭСАК — • Aesăcus, Αισακος, сын Приама и Арисбы, дочери Меропа; научился у Меропа толкованию снов и, предсказав, что сын (Парис), которого родит Приаму Гекуба, погубит Трою, советовал бросить ребенка тотчас по рождении на произвол судьбы.… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Birdwing — One male and female representative of the genera; Trogonoptera, Troides and Ornithoptera. Species from top to bottom, left to right: Trogonoptera brookiana (♂), Trogonoptera brookiana (♀), Troides dohertyi (♂), Troides dohertyi (♀), Ornithoptera… … Wikipedia
Paris (mythology) — Prince Paris with apple by H.W. Bissen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen Paris (Greek … Wikipedia
Ornithoptera priamus — pronomus (male) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
List of King Priam's children — Priam, the mythical king of Troy during the Trojan War, supposedly had 50 sons and (on some accounts) 50 daughters. Priam had several wives, the primary one Hecuba, daughter of Dymas, and several concubines, who bore his children. There is no… … Wikipedia
List of Metamorphoses characters — Cover of George Sandys s 1632 edition of Ovid s Metamorphosis Englished This is a list of characters in the poem Metamorphoses by Ovid. It contains more than 200 characters, summaries of their roles, and information on where they appear. The… … Wikipedia
Ornithoptera — ? Орнитоптеры Лепидоптеро … Википедия