Aerius — may refer to:* Aerius, a presbyter of Sebaste in Pontus in IV c. * Desloratadine, a drug used to treat allergies … Wikipedia
Aërĭus — Aërĭus, Presbyter zu Sebaste in Pontus (um 355), veranlaßte eine Kirchenspaltung, weil er, obwohl selbst Asket, das gebotene Fasten, die Überschätzung der Ehelosigkeit, die Fürbitte für die Verstorbenen, aber auch die geistlichen Vorrechte der… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Aërius — Aërius, Presbyter zu Sebaste in Armenien (ca. 360), Gegner des Fastenzwangs, des Gebets für Tote, des Vorrangs der Bischöfe; seine Anhänger (Aërianer) wurden als Ketzer verfolgt … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
AERIUS — vide Misenus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aerius — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Desloratadin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aerius — Desloratadine Desloratadine Général No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
Aërius of Pontus — was a friend and fellow ascetic of Eustathius of Sebaste, who became Bishop of Sebaste (355), and who ordained Aërius and placed him over the hospital or asylum in that city. Aërius fell out with Eustathius, upbraided him for having deserted… … Wikipedia
Aërius of Pontus — • A friend and fellow ascetic of Eustathius, who became Bishop of Sebaste (355), and who ordained Aërius and placed him over the hospital or asylum in that city Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Aerius of Sebaste — Infobox Person name = Aerius of Pontus caption = birth date = birth place = death date = death place = occupation = Theologian, priest spouse = parents = children =: For Aerians (Marvel Comics), see Savage Land Races Aerius of Pontus (also Aërius … Wikipedia
Folding kayak — A folding kayak is a direct descendant of the original Inuit kayak made of animal skins stretched over frames made from wood and bones. A modern folder has a collapsable frame made of some combination of wood, aluminum and plastic, and a skin… … Wikipedia
Aeris of Pontus — Aëris of Pontus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Aëris of Pontus A friend and fellow ascetic of Eustathius, who became Bishop of Sebaste (355), and who ordained Aërius and placed him over the hospital or asylum in that city. Aërius fell out… … Catholic encyclopedia