Смотреть что такое "elleborus" в других словарях:
Christrose — Schneerose Schneerose (Helleborus niger) Systematik Ordnung: Hahnenfußartige (Ranunculales) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helleborus niger — Schneerose Schneerose (Helleborus niger) Systematik Ordnung: Hahnenfußartige (Ranunculales) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schneerose — (Helleborus niger) Systematik Ordnung: Hahnenfußartige (Ranunculales) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schwarze Nieswurz — Schneerose Schneerose (Helleborus niger) Systematik Ordnung: Hahnenfußartige (Ranunculales) … Deutsch Wikipedia
ellebore blanc — Ellebore blanc, a colore radicis, Elleborus candidus, Veratrum album. Ellebore noir, Elleborus niger, Veratrum nigrum … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Hellebore — Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous qualities.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Helleborus niger — Hellebore Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Helleborus officinalis — Hellebore Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Veratrum album — Hellebore Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Veratrum viride — Hellebore Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
white hellebore — Hellebore Hel le*bore, n. [L. helleborus, elleborus, Gr. ?, ?; cf. F. hell[ e]bore, ell[ e]bore.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial herbs ({Helleborus}) of the Crowfoot family, mostly having powerfully cathartic and even poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English