Смотреть что такое "eliquatio" в других словарях:
Eliquation — El i*qua tion, n. [L. eliquatio, fr. eliquare to clarify, strain; e + liquare to make liquid, melt.] (Metallurgy) The process of separating a fusible substance from one less fusible, by means of a degree of heat sufficient to melt the one and not … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eliquation — Eli|qua|ti|on die; <aus gleichbed. lat. eliquatio zu eliquare, vgl. ↑eliquieren> (veraltet) Schmelzung, Läuterung … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
eliquation — (ˌ)ēˌlīˈkwāshən, ə̇ˌlīˈ , ˌeləˈ , āzhən noun ( s) Etymology: Late Latin eliquation , eliquatio act of liquefying, from Latin eliquatus + ion , io ion 1. obsolete : liquefaction 2 … Useful english dictionary