Смотреть что такое "elenium" в других словарях:
Elenium — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Elenium es una trilogía de literatura fantástica escrita por David Eddings. Consta de los títulos El Trono de Diamante, El Caballero de Rubí y La Rosa de Zafiro Tiene su continuación en la serie El Tamuli Es la… … Wikipedia Español
Elenium — may refer to the following:*Elenium, a metal band from Vantaa, Finland. *The Elenium, a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings … Wikipedia
elenium — n VI, blm med. «środek psychotropowy, stosowany w stanach lękowych i w stanach napięcia psychicznego» ‹łac. z gr.› … Słownik języka polskiego
List of The Elenium and The Tamuli characters — Faran redirects here. For the desert, see Desert of Paran. Below is a list of fictional characters appearing in The Elenium and The Tamuli, fantasy series written by David Eddings. For the various races, also read Major Races of Eosia and Tamul… … Wikipedia
List of characters in The Elenium and The Tamuli — Below is a list of fictional characters appearing in The Elenium and The Tamuli , fantasy series written by David Eddings.ProtagonistsparhawkSparhawk is the main character in the Elenium and Tamuli series. He is a Pandion Knight and Champion of… … Wikipedia
The Elenium — is a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings. The series consists of three volumes:* The Diamond Throne * The Ruby Knight * The Sapphire Rose The series is followed by The Tamuli . The Elenium is Eddings second fantasy series, and has been… … Wikipedia
List of countries in The Elenium and The Tamuli — Below is a list of countries in The Elenium (a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings), and its sequel, The Tamuli.EosiaAppearing as the western continent in the novels, the Eosian continent is the main setting for The Elenium. It is inhabited … Wikipedia
Races in the Elenium — Below is a list of major races in The Elenium , a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings. The same races also appear in the sequel to The Elenium , The Tamuli .ElenesPrimary occupants of the Eosian continent (the setting for most of The… … Wikipedia
David Eddings — Born David Carroll Eddings July 7, 1931(1931 07 07) Spokane, Washington Died June 2, 2009(2009 06 02) (aged 77) Carson City, Nevada Occupation Novelist … Wikipedia
The Tamuli — is a series of fantasy novels by David Eddings. The series consists of three volumes: Domes of Fire The Shining Ones The Hidden City The Tamuli is the sequel to The Elenium. In this series, Sparhawk and friends travel to the Tamul Empire, far to… … Wikipedia
David Eddings — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda David Eddings Nombre David Eddings Nacimiento 7 de julio de 1931 Spokane, Washington, Estados Unidos Ocupación … Wikipedia Español