
ae f.
Элея, приморский город в Эолиде против о-ва Лесбос Mela, PM, L

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Elaea" в других словарях:

  • Elaea — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Elaea o Elaia (en Griego: Ελαία), fue una antigua ciudad de Aeolis, Asia, la puerta del Pérgamo; la ubicación no está determinada de forma precisa pero está cerca de Zeytindağ, Provincia de İzmir, Turquía. De acuerdo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Elaea — ( el. Ελαία) can refer to any of several different items in ancient geography.;cities * Elaea, port of Pergamum, now near Zeytindağ, İzmir Province, Turkey * Elaea, port in ancient Aethiopia * Elaea, chief city of Elaeatis in Epirus at the mouth… …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea — • A titular see of Asia Minor Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Elaea     Elaea     † Catholi …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • ELAEA — urbs Asiae in Aeolica, Pergamenorum navale, quae Cidaenis nominabatur, a Mnestheo condita. Steph. Item ins. Propontidis. Plin. l. 5. c. 32. Et Phoeniciae urbs inter Tyrum et Sidonem. Steph. Item prom. Cypri in ora ad Ort. Riso Carpasso Lusignano …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Elaea (Aeolis) — Elaea or Elaia (Greek: Έλαία) was an ancient city of Aeolis, Asia, the port of Pergamum; the site is not precisely determined but is near Zeytindağ, İzmir Province, Turkey. According to the present text of Stephanus of Byzantium, it was also… …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea (island) — Elaea or Elaia ( el. Ελαία) was the ancient name of an island in the Propontis (Sea of Marmara), in Bithynia, mentioned by Pliny (v. 32); but it is not certain which of the several small islands he means. It was one of the Demonisi… …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea (promontory of Crete) — Elaea or Elaia ( el. Ελαία) was the ancient name of a promontory on the northeast coast of Crete, Greece, which was mentioned by Ptolemy, (Ptol. v. 14. § 3), on which was a temple of Zeus Diktaios. The site is near the modern town of Palaikastron …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea (promontory of Cyprus) — Elaea or Elaia (Greek: Ελαία; Turkish: Zeytin Burnu) was the ancient name for a promontory of Cyprus, near the ancient city of Knidos. The cape lies within the territory of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.References*… …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea River — Elaea or Elaia ( el. Ελαία) is the ancient name of a small stream of Boeotia rising in the Delos Mountains and emptying into Lake Copais near the temple of Apollo Tegyraios.References* [http://www.ancientlibrary.com/gazetteer/0145.html Hazlitt,… …   Wikipedia

  • Elaea (Titularbistum) — Elaea (ital.: Elea) ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf ein untergegangenes Bistum der antiken Stadt Elaia im westlichen Kleinasien, das der Kirchenprovinz Ephesos angehörte. Titularbischöfe von Elaea Nr.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Elaea (Epirus) — Elaea or Elaia ( el. Ελαία), also Elaias Limen is an ancient harbor town at the mouth of the Acheron river of Epirus. The town is mentioned by both Scylax and Ptolemy. Thucydides calls the surrounding district Elaeatis (Greek: Ελαιατις) further… …   Wikipedia

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