- egregie
- ēgregiē [ egregius ]1) отлично, превосходно, замечательно, блестяще (Graece loqui C)2) весьма, чрезвычайно (e. fortis C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Egregie — (med) udmærkelse … Danske encyklopædi
Codex Las Huelgas — Codex de Las Huelgas. El Codex Musical de Las Huelgas (Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas, Codex IX) o simplemente el Codex Las Huelgas (Hu) es un manuscrito medieval copiado a comienzos del siglo XIV en el monasterio cisterciense de monjas de… … Wikipedia Español
Gottlob Samuel Nicolai — (* 25. Oktober 1725 in Berlin; † 26. März 1765) war ein deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Philosoph. Leben Gottlob Samuel Nicolai wurde in Berlin geboren und dort durch Privatlehrer vorgebildet. Danach besuchte er Schulen in seiner Heimatstadt … Deutsch Wikipedia
MAURITIUS Fl. Tiberius — Imperator Orientis, Arabissae in Cappadociâ, sed stirpe Romanâ, natus. Animô ad militiam applicitô, post res egregie gestas a Tiberio Imperatore Dux exercituum, et datâ Constantinâ gener, futurusque Imperii successor lectus est: postquam e Persia … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
fort — I. Fort, m. adject. Est celuy qui a force et robusteté en son corps, Fortis, D où c est qu il vient, Selon ce on dit, Un fort homme, un fort cheval, Homo, equus, robore membrorum valens. Et par ce on accompagne ce mot de cet autre, puissant,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Hermann von der Hardt — (November 15, 1660 February 28, 1746), was a German historian and orientalist.He was born at Melle, in Westphalia. He studied oriental languages at the universities of Jena and Leipzig, and in 1690 he was called to the chair of oriental languages … Wikipedia
English public school football games — During the early modern era students, former students and teachers at English public schools developed many unique codes of football. The most well known of these is Rugby football. British public school football also influenced directly the… … Wikipedia
List of compositions by Michael Haydn — This list of compositions by Michael Haydn is a list of the musical compositions of Michael Haydn sorted by genre, and then chronologically when year of composition is indicated, otherwise alphabetically. The numbering in parenthesis starting… … Wikipedia
David Wedderburn (writer) — David Wedderburn (c.1580 – 23 October 1646) was a writer, and schoolmaster at Aberdeen Grammar School. Though his date of birth is not known, he was baptised on 2 January 1580, and was educated in Aberdeen. In April 1602 he started working at… … Wikipedia
List of compositions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina — This is a list of compositions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, sorted by genre. The volume (given in parentheses for motets) refers to which volume of the Breitkopf Härtel complete edition the work can be found in. Six of the volumes of… … Wikipedia
Ambrosius Rhode — (auch: Rhodius, Rhodii, Rodius etc.; * 18. August 1577 in Kemberg; † 24. August 1633 in Wittenberg) war ein deutscher Mathematiker, Astronom und Mediziner. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Familie 3 Werkauswahl … Deutsch Wikipedia