- egestio
ēgestio, ōnis f. [ egero I \]1) уборка (ruderum Su)2) расточение, растрачивание (opum publicarum PJ)3) извержение, выведение из организма (ventris et urinae CA)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Egestion — E*ges tion, n. [L. egestio.] Act or process of egesting; a voiding. Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
egestion — noun Etymology: Middle English egestioun, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French egestion, from Latin egestion , egestio, from egerere to carry outside, discharge, from e + gerere to carry Date: 1547 the act or process of discharging… … New Collegiate Dictionary
egestion — /i jes cheuhn/, n. the process of egesting; the voiding of the refuse of digestion. [1375 1425; ME < L egestion (s. of egestio), equiv. to egest (see EGEST) + ion ION] * * * … Universalium
egestión — egestión. (Del lat. egestĭo, ōnis). f. desus. excremento … Enciclopedia Universal
Egestion — Eges|ti|on 〈f. 20; Med.〉 Stuhlgang [zu lat. egerere „herausbringen“] * * * Egestion [zu lateinisch egerere, egestum »herausschaffen«, »von sich geben«] die, / en, Entleerung von unverdaulichen Stoffen und Flüssigkeiten aus dem Körper durch… … Universal-Lexikon
drítung — f ( e/ a) a carrying out or off, an emptying, voiding of excrement [egestio] (sc of the belly [ventris]) … Old to modern English dictionary
Egestion — Eges|ti|on die; , en <aus lat. egestio »Entleerung«, eigtl. »das Herausschaffen«> Stuhlgang (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
egestion — early 15c., from L. egestionem (nom. egestio), noun of action from pp. stem of egere (see EGEST (Cf. egest)) … Etymology dictionary
vuidange — Vuidange, Egestio, Inanitas, Exinanitas. Vuidanges et evacuations de mauvaises humeurs, Detractiones. Lieu plein de vuidanges d une ville, comme les voiries, qui n est point terre ferme, Locus congestitius … Thresor de la langue françoyse
egestión — (Del lat. egestĭo, ōnis). f. desus. excremento … Diccionario de la lengua española
egestion — ̷ ̷ˈjes(h)chən noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English egestioun, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French egestion, from Latin egestion , egestio, from egestus + ion , io ion : the act or process of egesting … Useful english dictionary