- ecclesiastes
ecclēsiastēs, ae и is m. (греч.)экклесиаст, т. е. оратор, проповедник, тж. название одной из книг Библии, приписываемой царю Соломону
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ecclesiastes — • The name given to the book of Holy Scripture which usually follows the Proverbs; the Hebrew Qoheleth probably has the same meaning Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes … Catholic encyclopedia
Ecclesiastes — 1 Ecclesiastes 2 Ecclesiastes 3 Ecclesiastes 4 Ecclesiastes 5 Ecclesiastes 6 Ecclesiastes 7 Ecclesiastes 8 Ecclesiastes 9 Ecclesiastes 10 Ecclesiastes 11 … The King James version of the Bible
ECCLESIASTES — (Heb. קּוֹהֶלֶת ,הַקּוֹהֶלֶת), one of the group of minor writings of the Hagiographa known as the Five Scrolls (Megillot). The name Ecclesiastes is Greek and probably means member of the assembly. It renders the Hebrew word kohelet (qohelet, or… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ecclesiastes — Ec*cle si*as tes, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? a preacher. See {Ecclesiastic}, a.] One of the canonical books of the Old Testament. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ecclesiastes — Ecclesiastes, griechischer Name des Prediger Salomonis … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ecclesiastes — Ecclesiastes, lat. Schreibung für Ekklesiastes (s.d.), Ecclesiastĭcus, für Ekklesiastikus (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
ECCLESIASTES — Liber Canonicus S. Scripturae, Hebr. Coheleth: A Salomone in senio scriptus, Hieron. in. c. 1. Eccl. August. in Psalm. 126. et Philastrius, c. 132. etc. In Ecclesiasten exstant: Abini Comm. Basil. An. 1521. Agathius. Alcuinus. Arboreus. Beda.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ecclesiastes — c.1300, name given to one of the O.T. books, traditionally ascribed to Solomon, from Gk. ekklesiastes (see ECCLESIASTIC (Cf. ecclesiastic)), to render Heb. qoheleth one who addresses an assembly, from qahal assembly. The title is technically the… … Etymology dictionary
Ecclesiastes — [e klē΄zē as′tēz΄, iklē΄zē as′tēz΄] n. [LL(Ec) < Gr ekklēsiastēs, member of an ecclesia (see ECCLESIA): used in LXX for Heb kohelet, he who calls together an assembly < kahal, assembly] Bible a book of teachings, written as if by Solomon:… … English World dictionary
Ecclesiastes — For other uses, see Ecclesiastes (disambiguation). Hebrew Bible … Wikipedia
Ecclesiastes — Das Buch Kohelet (hebräisch קהלת, auch Prediger Salomo oder Ekklesiastes genannt (Ἐκκλησιαστής in der Septuaginta, und Liber Ecclesiastes in der Vulgata[1]) ist eine Schrift der Bibel. Im Tanach wird der Text unter den Ketuvim („Schriften“)… … Deutsch Wikipedia