- Aequi
- Aequī, ōrum m.эквы, племя, жившее к вост. от Рима (от Тибура и Пренесте до Фуцинского озера) L, C, O etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Aequi — Aequi, altitalisches Volk im latin. Gebirge, von den Sabinern, Marsen, Hernikern, Volskern und Latinern umgeben, Roms Feinde, bis sie durch Camillus gebrochen und im Samniterkriege fast vernichtet wurden. Ihre vornehmsten Städte waren Tibur und… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Aequi — Aequi, lateinischer Name des mittelitalienischen Volkes der Äquer … Universal-Lexikon
AEQUI — populi in Latio, qui Tiburi montes imminentes incolebant. Aequiculae Virg. l. 7. v. 746. Horrida praecipue cui gens, assuctaque multô Venatu nemorum, duris Aequicula glebis. Sil. Ital. l. 8. Quique Anienis habent ripas, gelidôque rigantur… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aequi — The Aequi were an ancient people of north east Latium, in central Italy, whose name occurs constantly in Livy s first decade as hostile to Rome in the first three centuries of the city s existence.HistoryThey occupied the upper reaches of the… … Wikipedia
Aequi — ▪ people ancient people of Italy originally inhabiting the region watered by the tributaries of the Avens River (modern Velino). Long hostile to Rome, they became especially menacing in the 5th century BC, advancing to the Alban Hills.… … Universalium
AEQUI Dii — pro ambiguis, Observatum saepe a Viris doctis, sous, meos, nostros, Deos, loca, tempora, pro secundis et faventibus incepto nostro; alienos, pro adversis et qui malo damnoque sint; communes taudem seu aequos, pro ambiguis, quibus aut pars… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
aequi — ae·qui … English syllables
aequi — … Useful english dictionary
aequi- — see equi … Useful english dictionary
IUS EST ARS BONI ET AEQUI — – право есть искусство добра и справедливости … Советский юридический словарь
jus est ars boni et aequi — /jas est arz bownay et iykway/ Law is the science of what is good and just … Black's law dictionary