- ducenti
ducentī, ae, a (gen. pl. иногда um) adj. num. card. (duo + centum )1) двести C etc.2) неопределённо большое число, множество Pl, Ctl, C etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pope Joan — is the name of a female pope (also La Papessa ) who supposedly reigned for less than three years in the 850s between the papacies of Leo IV and Benedict III, [Dating varies (Boureau 1988).] based on an anti Catholic legend that circulated in the… … Wikipedia
Lateinische Zahlwörter — Lateinische Zahlwörter: Das Lateinische kennt vier grundlegende Arten von Zahlwörtern (Numeralia): Kardinalzahlen (eins, zwei, drei ...) Ordinalzahlen (der erste, der zweite, der dritte, ...) Wiederholungszahladverbien (einmal, zweimal, dreimal … Deutsch Wikipedia
doscientos — (Del lat. ducenti.) ► adjetivo numeral/ sustantivo masculino 1 Que resulta de multiplicar dos y cien. 2 Que ocupa el lugar número doscientos en una serie: ■ quedó la doscientos en la carrera. SINÓNIMO ducentésimo ► sustantivo masculino 3 Signo o… … Enciclopedia Universal
POMPA — in Baptismatis sollemnibus; Abrenuntias Satanae et pompis eius; ambitionem, iactantiamque denotat. Proprie, sollennis processio apud Veteres sic dicta est. Vide Io. Meursium, in Πομπὴ i. e. deductio seu transverctio, quae per publicas Urbis vias… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Latin declension — Latin grammar Verb Conjugation Subjunctive by attraction Indirect Statement Declension Ablative Usages Dative Usages Latin is an inflected language, and as such has nouns, pronouns, and adjectives that must be declined in order to serve a… … Wikipedia
Bartolomeo Platina — Bartolomeo Platina, originally named Sacchi, (1421 in Piadena ( Platina in Latin), near Mantua ndash; 1481 in Rome). He first enlisted as a soldier, and was then appointed tutor to the sons of the Marquis Ludovico Gonzaga. In 1457, he went to… … Wikipedia
Tredecim — Lateinische Zahlwörter: Das Lateinische kennt vier grundlegende Arten von Zahlwörtern (Numeralia): Kardinalzahlen (eins, zwei, drei ...) Ordinalzahlen (der erste, der zweite, der dritte, ...) Wiederholungszahladverbien (einmal, zweimal, dreimal … Deutsch Wikipedia
Souesmes — 47° 27′ 34″ N 2° 10′ 48″ E / 47.4594444444, 2.18 … Wikipédia en Français
ФЛОР — • Florus, 1. Iulius, принадлежит к числу юных друзей, которых Гораций почтил стихами; 3 е послание первой книги и 2 е послание второй книги написаны к нему. В первом месте он представляется принадлежащим к числу ученых людей,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Platina — Bartolomeo Platina † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Bartolomeo Platina Originally named SACCHI, b. at Piadena, near Mantua, in 1421; d. at Rome, 1481. He first enlisted as a soldier, and was then appointed tutor to the sons of the Marquis… … Catholic encyclopedia
Number prefix — Number prefixes are prefixes derived from numbers or numerals. In English and other European languages, they are used to coin numerous series of words, such as unicycle – bicycle – tricycle, dyad – triad – decade, biped – quadruped, September –… … Wikipedia