- Aenos
(-us), īЭн1) m. река в Ретии T2) f. город во Фракии (ныне Энос) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Aénos — Espèce Cheval (Equus caballus) Région d’origine Région … Wikipédia en Français
Aenos — Aenos, wichtige Seestadt in Maced. an der Mündung des Hebrus; heute Enos (wurde 1829 von den Russen besetzt) … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
AENOS — oppid. Thraciae liberum, Enos Sophiano. Poltymbriam vocat Apollodorus apud Stephanum, cui etiam Α῎ψυνθος dicitur, quem vide in Αἶνος. Ab Aenea conditum scribit Mela. l. 2. c. 2. longitud. 52. 56. latitud. 42. 30. Hodie Graecis Eno, Turcis Ygnos.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aenos Village — (Лурдата,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Lourdata , Лурдата, 28100, Греция … Каталог отелей
Aenos Hotel — (Аргостолион,Греция) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Vallianou Square, Аргостолион, 281 … Каталог отелей
SS Aenos — The SS Aenos was a British built Greek steam merchant ship. She was launched in 1910 and sunk whilst carrying supplies to the UK during the Second World War. Pre war career Aenos was built in the yards of Bartram Sons Ltd, South Dock, Sunderland … Wikipedia
Mount Ainos — Aenos Αίνος Mount Aenos from Lixouri Elevation … Wikipedia
Convoy SC-7 — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Convoy SC 7 partof=World War II date=16 October – 19 October 1940 place=Western Approaches result=German Victory combatant1= combatant2= commander1=Karl Dönitz commander2=L. D. I. Mackinnon strength1=7 U boats… … Wikipedia
Order of battle for Convoy SC-7 — Convoy SC 7 was the seventh of the SC convoys, bound from Sydney, Nova Scotia across the North Atlantic to a number of British ports, mainly Liverpool. [ [http://www.junobeach.org/e/4/can tac con e.htm Canadian convoys] ] They were designated SC… … Wikipedia
SS Eaglescliffe Hall — The SS Eaglescliffe Hall was a bulk freighter initially built to serve for the Canadians on the Great Lakes. She had an active life, leaving the lakes during the Second World War to transport goods around Britain.Early and wartime careerThe… … Wikipedia
Dorino II. Gattilusio — (auch Dorino Gattilusio) (* nach 1400; † nach 1488) war von 1455 bis 1456 der letzte Herr von Ainos. Er entstammte der angesehenen genuesischen Patrizierfamilie Gattilusio und war der jüngere Sohn des Herrn Palamede Gattilusio von Ainos. Da sein… … Deutsch Wikipedia