
Aeniānes, um и Aeniēnsēs, ium m.
энианы, жители долины реки Сперхия (южн. Фессалия) C, L

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Aenianes" в других словарях:

  • Aenianes — Aenianes, thess. Völkerschaft am Oetagebirge …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • AENIANES — I. AENIANES populi Epiri, inter Aetolos et Molossos, remotiores ab urbe Episcopali Ioanna in Ortum, in Thessalia, versus Oetam montem. Vide Ioanna et Cassiope. II. AENIANES populi, postae Paravae vocati, cum fugati Molossiae regionem circa Avum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ЭНИАНЫ —    • Aeniänes,          Αίνια̃νες, племя чисто эллинского происхождения; поселения его встречались в разных местах близ Оссы, у Эты и Офриса (Ноm. Il. 2, 749) и у Сперхея (Hdt. 7, 198); сперва его покорили этолийцы, затем афаманы. Главным городом …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Regions of ancient Greece — Map showing the major regions of mainland ancient Greece, and adjacent barbarian lands The regions of ancient Greece were areas identified by the ancient Greeks as geographical sub divisions of the Hellenic world. These regions are described in… …   Wikipedia

  • Amphictyonic League — In the Archaic period of ancient Greece, an amphictyony (Ancient Greek: ἀμφικτυονία), a league of neighbors , or Amphictyonic League was an ancient association of Greek tribes[1] formed in the dim past, before the rise of the Greek polis. The six …   Wikipedia

  • Malians (Greek tribe) — The Malians (Ancient Greek: Μαλιεῖς) were a Greek tribe that resided at the mouth of the river Spercheios in Greece. The Malian Gulf is named after them. In the western valley of the Spercheios, their land was adjacent to the Aenianes. Their main …   Wikipedia

  • Names of the Greeks — History of Greece This article is part of a series …   Wikipedia

  • Aeneus (of Aenus) — In Greek mythology, Aeneus (Greek: Αἰνεύς) was the legendary founder of the ancient Thracian city of Aenus (also called Poltyobria or Poltymbria). He was the father of Cyzicus. He is sometimes confused with the famous legendary hero Aeneas, due… …   Wikipedia

  • Theoxena — was the daughter of prince Herodicus, a well respected person of Thessaly and one of there main leaders. LifeThis was during the time of Philip V of Macedon. He was a restless person always planning war against the Romans. One time he ordered the …   Wikipedia

  • РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ СТАТЕЙ — Абант Άβας Danaus Абанты Άβαντες Абарис Άβαρις Абдера Abdera Абдулонома Абдул Abdulonymus Абелла Abella Абеллинум Abellinum Абеона Abeona Абидос или Абид… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • AEIANES — Graeciae populos habet Pausan. in phoc. Cnemidis montis accolas forte. Aenianes mavult legere Ortel …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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