Смотреть что такое "distractio" в других словарях:
distractio — /dastraeksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, a separation or division into parts; also an alienation or sale. Sometimes applied to the act of a guardian in appropriating the property of his ward … Black's law dictionary
distractio — /dastraeksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, a separation or division into parts; also an alienation or sale. Sometimes applied to the act of a guardian in appropriating the property of his ward … Black's law dictionary
distractio — (Civil law.) A creditor s sale of hypothecated property; a pledgee s sale of a pledge … Ballentine's law dictionary
distractio bonorum — /dastraeksh(iy)ow bsnoram/ The sale at retail of the property of an insolvent estate, under the management of a curator appointed in the interest of the creditors, and for the purpose of realizing as much as possible for the satisfaction of their … Black's law dictionary
distractio pignoris — /dastraeksh(iy)ow pignoras/ The sale of a thing pledged or hypothecated, by the creditor or pledgee, to obtain satisfaction of his claim on the debtor s failure to pay or redeem … Black's law dictionary
distractio bonorum — /dastraeksh(iy)ow bsnoram/ The sale at retail of the property of an insolvent estate, under the management of a curator appointed in the interest of the creditors, and for the purpose of realizing as much as possible for the satisfaction of their … Black's law dictionary
distractio pignoris — /dastraeksh(iy)ow pignoras/ The sale of a thing pledged or hypothecated, by the creditor or pledgee, to obtain satisfaction of his claim on the debtor s failure to pay or redeem … Black's law dictionary
дистракция — (distractio; лат. растягивание, расторжение) форсированное одномоментное или медленное постепенное растяжение пораженного участка конечности с лечебной целью … Большой медицинский словарь
дистракция шейки матки — (distractio cervicis uteri) растяжение круговой мускулатуры шейки матки, происходящее в родах … Большой медицинский словарь
Дистра́кция — (distractio; лат. растягивание, расторжение) форсированное одномоментное или медленное постепенное растяжение пораженного участка конечности с лечебной целью … Медицинская энциклопедия
Дистра́кция ше́йки ма́тки — (distractio cervicis uteri) растяжение круговой мускулатуры шейки матки, происходящее в родах … Медицинская энциклопедия