discordo — di·scòr·do s.m. TS metr. antico componimento metrico francese e provenzale caratterizzato dalla discordanza metrica e dall indivisibilità della strofa {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1306. ETIMO: dal provenz. ant. descort, der. di descordar… … Dizionario italiano
discordo — pl.m. discordi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
The Diagram Brothers — Origin Manchester, England Genres Post punk Years active 1979–1982 Labels Construct, New Hormones, LTM … Wikipedia
The Diagram Brothers — Годы 1979 1982 Страна … Википедия
Andy Diagram — Andy Diagram, de son vrai nom Andrew John Perkins, né le 3 juillet 1959 à Londres, est un musicien britannique, chanteur, trompettiste et percussioniste. Il a développé une utilisation originale de la trompette, en la retravaillant de… … Wikipédia en Français
discord — DISCÓRD, Ă adj. Care nu este acordat, discordat. ♦ Care nu are armonie, nearmonios. [< fr. discord]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.02.2005. Sursa: DN DISCÓRD s.n. Poezie lirică medievală de origine provensală, cu o structură neregulată prin… … Dicționar Român
discordar — de discordo dele; discordo da opinião dele … Dicionario dos verbos portugueses
Giacomo Da Lentini — ▪ Italian poet also called Jacopo Da Lentini flourished 13th century senior poet of the Sicilian school and notary at the court of the Holy Roman emperor Frederick II. Celebrated during his life, he was acclaimed as a master by the poets … Universalium
New Hormones — was an independent record label founded by The Buzzcocks and manager Richard Boon. It was the first independent punk label in the U.K. Contents 1 History 1.1 Beginnings 1.2 Most Productive Preiod … Wikipedia
New Hormones Records — New Hormones Records британский независимый лейбл звукозаписи, созданный в 1977 году Ричардом Буном, менеджером Buzzcocks. Выпустив в январе 1977 года Spiral Scratch EP, лейбл в 1978 1982 годы выпускал пластинки Dislocation Dance, Ludus,… … Википедия
ντισκόρσο — το (διαλ.) συνομιλία, συζήτηση, κουβέντα. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < ιταλ. discorso «συζήτηση» < λατ. discordo «διαφωνώ»] … Dictionary of Greek