- Dioscuri
- Dioscūrī, ōrum m. C (тж. pueri Ledae H)Диоскуры (Кастор и Поллукс) = Tyndaridae
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
DIOSCURI — a Graecis dicuntur Castor et Pollux, quos antiquitas credidit salutares esse navigantibus, si Gemini apparerent (apparent autem ignis specie antennae aut malo insidentes) contra tristes, si singuli. Dioscuri apud Graecos, inquit Cic. l. 3. de Nat … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
dioscuri — DIOSCÚRI s.m.pl. (Mit.) Supranumele lui Castor şi Polux. [< fr. dioscures < gr. dioskouroi – copiii lui Zeus]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.02.2005. Sursa: DN DIOSCÚRI s. m. pl. (mit.) supranumele a două divinităţi străvechi (Castor şi… … Dicționar Român
Dioscuri — from Gk. Dioskouroi, lit. Zeus boys, from Dios, gen. of Zeus (see ZEUS (Cf. Zeus)) + kouroi, pl. of kouros boy, son (see CRESCENT (Cf. crescent)) … Etymology dictionary
Dioscuri — [dī΄äs kyoor′ī΄] pl.n. [Gr Dioskouroi < Dios (gen. of Zeus) + kouroi, pl. of kouros, boy, son] Gr. Myth. Castor and Pollux, twin sons of Leda … English World dictionary
Dioscuri — Dios kuroi, significa figli di Zeus. Nella mitologia greca ci sono due coppie di gemelli a portare questo nome; Anfione e Zeto, chiamati Diòscuri tebani; Castore e Polluce i Diòscuri spartani. In ogni caso i Diòscuri cantati dai poeti per l… … Dizionario dei miti e dei personaggi della Grecia antica
Dioscuri — /duy euh skyoor uy/, n.pl. Class. Myth. Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus and Leda. * * * or Castor and Pollux (from Greek dioskouroi, sons of Zeus ) Twin gods of ancient Greece and Rome. They aided shipwrecked sailors and accepted… … Universalium
Dioscuri — Castor and Pollux, AV, REB; the twin brothers, NRSV; the Twins, NJB (Acts 28:11); the figurehead of the ship which took Paul to Rome. There were temples to the Dioscuri in Athens and in Rome, and they were held to be the protectors of travellers … Dictionary of the Bible
Dioscuri Bay Palace Hotel Agrigento (Agrigento) — Dioscuri Bay Palace Hotel Agrigento country: Italy, city: Agrigento (Agrigento) Dioscuri Bay Palace Hotel Agrigento With its excellent, affordable accommodation in Agrigento, Dioscuri Bay Palace Hotel is an ideal base for both leisure and… … International hotels
Dioscuri Aurea Saecula — Demo album by Cain Released 2006 Genre Black metal National Socialist black metal … Wikipedia
Dioscuri — noun plural Etymology: New Latin, from Greek Dioskouroi, literally, sons of Zeus, from Dios (genitive of Zeus; akin to Latin divus divine) + kouroi, plural of kouros, koros boy more at deity, crescent Date: 1640 the twins Castor and Pollux… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dioscuri — noun The twin brothers Castor and Pollux together … Wiktionary