
ārum m. (греч.)
конница, сражавшаяся то в конном, то в пешем строю QC

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "dimachae" в других словарях:

  • Dimachae — (di dual + mache fight) were Macedonian horse soldiers, who also fought on foot when occasion required. Their armour was heavier than that of the ordinary hetairoi, and lighter than that of the regular heavy armed pezhetairoi. A servant… …   Wikipedia

  • HAMIPPI — Graece Α῞μιπποι, quasi Pedites simul Equitesque, apud Hesych. militum gevus, qui interdum pedestri, interdum equestri, certamine defungebantur. Ex equis autem istos pugnavisse, ex Isaeo; quam inter pedites, ex Thucydide et Xenoph. Harpocrationis… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • MILITES — I. MILITES Haeretici, qui alias Floriniani et Corpocratiani, sic dicti, quia de Militaribus fuerunt, Philastrius de Haeres. Part. 3. c. 10, II. MILITES qui aetate apud Romanos lecti, indicat Lex a Sempronio Graccho Tribuno Plebis lata: Ne quis… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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