- Aedui
- Aeduī (Haeduī), ōrum m.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
AEDUI — Hedui Plinio l. 4. c. 18. et aliis, Galliae Celticae populi potentissimi, quorum regio Burgundiae Ducatus, et urbs Augustodunum; a Sequanis populis alterius Burgundiae, Arari fluvio divisi. Horum tractus hodie l. Autunois dicitur, ab eorum urbe… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aedui — Aedui, gall. Volk zwischen Loire und Saone, riefen den Cäsar herbei, der sie als röm. Bundesgenossen aufnahm und Gallien unterjochte … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Aedui — Plural, lateinischer Name des gallischen Volks der Äduer … Universal-Lexikon
Aedui — [ Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative position of the Aedui tribe.] Aedui, Haedui or Hedui (Gr. Aidouoi ), are Gallic people of Gallia Lugdunensis, who inhabited the country between the Arar (Saone) and Liger (Loire), in today s… … Wikipedia
Aedui — ▪ people Celtic tribe of central Gaul (occupying most of what was later the French région of Burgundy), chiefly responsible for the diplomatic situation exploited by Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) when he began his conquests in that region… … Universalium
Diviciacus (Aedui) — Diviciacus or Divitiacus of the Aedui is the only druid from antiquity whose existence is attested by name. He should not be confused with the king of the Suessiones also known by the Latinised name Diviciacus; coins, possibly issued by the… … Wikipedia
ЭДУИ — • Aedui, Haedui, кельтский народ в Галлии (Caes. b. g. 1, 10), между Луарой и Саоной до окрестностей Лиона; первый присоединился к римлянам и потому еще до Цезаря получил почетные названия братьев и союзников (т. ж. 1, 31, 7. 6, 12.… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Ariovistus — was a leader of the Suebi and other allied Germanic peoples in the second quarter of the 1st century BC. He and his followers took part in a war in Gaul, assisting the Arverni and Sequani to defeat their rivals the Aedui, and settled in large… … Wikipedia
Gallic Wars — This article is about the military campaign. For Julius Caesar s writings, see Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Gallic War Vercingetorix Throws Down His Arms at the Feet of Ju … Wikipedia
Commentarii de Bello Gallico — (Commentaries on the Gallic War) … Wikipedia
Sequani — A portion of the map, Gallia, from Butler s 1907 atlas showing the divisions of the diocese of Gaul in the late Roman Empire.[1] According to the key, the map depicts 17 Provinciae Galliae, Provinces of Gaul, of which the 17th, [Provincia] Maxima … Wikipedia