- diapasma
matis n. (греч.)благовонный порошок (для посыпания и окуривания) PM, M
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
DIAPASMA — apud Mart. l. 1. Epigr. 88. cuius Epigraphe ad Fescenniam. Quid quod olet gravius mistum diapasmate virus, Atque duplex animoe longius exit odor? medicamentum est; cui odores immiscebantur, quod Fescennia cbria, (de qua hic sermo) cum vini odorem … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Diapasma — (v. gr., Med.), Streupulver … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Diapasma — Diapasma, griech., Kräuterpulver, aus wohlriechenden Pflanzenstoffen bereitet … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
diapasm — ˈdīəˌpazəm noun ( s) Etymology: Latin diapasma, from Greek diapasma, from diapassein to sprinkle, from dia + passein to sprinkle more at quash archaic : a perfume of powdered aromatic herbs sometimes made into little balls and strung together … Useful english dictionary
Diapasm — Di a*pasm, n. [L. diapasma, Gr. ?, fr. ?; dia through + ? to sprinkle: cf. F. diapasme.] Powdered aromatic herbs, sometimes made into little balls and strung together. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pouldre — Pouldre, f. penac. Puluis. Peu de poudre, Exiguus puluis. Petite et menuë pouldre, Puluisculus, vel Puluisculum. La pouldre qui chet quand on scie, ou quand on perse d une tariere, Lanugo, Scobs, vel Scobis. Casser et mettre en pouldre, Puluerare … Thresor de la langue françoyse