- aecus
a, um v. l. = aequus
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
List of characters in Metamorphoses — This is a list of characters in the poem Metamorphoses by Ovid.A*Achelous *Achilles *Acis *Acmon *Acoetes *Actaeon is the grandson of Cadmus, and is turned into a stag by Diana. *Adonis *Aeacus is the king of Ageina. *Aeëtes is the king of… … Wikipedia
List of Metamorphoses characters — Cover of George Sandys s 1632 edition of Ovid s Metamorphosis Englished This is a list of characters in the poem Metamorphoses by Ovid. It contains more than 200 characters, summaries of their roles, and information on where they appear. The… … Wikipedia
Liste von Gestalten in den Metamorphosen des Ovid — Thetis versucht sich der Verbindung mit Peleus durch Verwandlung in einen Löwen zu entziehen (auf einer Kylix, um 490 v. Chr., Cabinet des Médailles, Paris) … Deutsch Wikipedia