Devenio vester homo — I become your man,–formal words which were used by the vassal in the ceremony of homagium, or manhood, whereby the tenant or vassal, after having made oath of fealty, became bound to the lord, under the feudal system. See 2 Bl Comm 54 … Ballentine's law dictionary
HOMAGIUM olim HOMINIUM — HOMAGIUM, olim HOMINIUM vox feudalis, deducta ab Homo, pro vasallo, quasi Hominis agium: Cliens enim profitetur, se Domini sui Hominem, i. e. vasallum acturum. Est autem sollennius, arctius, et humilius servi genus, quod liber homo beneficii… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ԻՋԱՆԵՄ — (իջի, էջ.) NBH 1 0867 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 7c, 10c, 11c καταβαίνω, κατέρχομαι, κατάγομαι descendo, devenio, deducor եւն. Էջս առնել. վայրաբերիլ. ʼի բարձր տեղւոջէ ʼի վայր կամ ʼի ստոր գալ՝ երթալ, հոսիլ. իջնալ,… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
devir — s. m. 1. [Filosofia] Movimento pelo qual as coisas se transformam. • v. intr. 2. Dar se, suceder, acontecer, acabar por vir. ‣ Etimologia: latim devenio, ire … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
manhood — The status of one who has reached his legal majority which in most jurisdictions is 18. Formerly, it was the age of 21. When this status is achieved, a person may act sui juris. See also legal age majority. In feudal law, a term denoting the… … Black's law dictionary
manhood — The status of one who has reached his legal majority which in most jurisdictions is 18. Formerly, it was the age of 21. When this status is achieved, a person may act sui juris. See also legal age majority. In feudal law, a term denoting the… … Black's law dictionary