adversarius — index adversary, foe, opponent, opposite Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Adversarius — Ad|ver|sa|ri|us der; , ...rii <aus gleichbed. lat. adversarius> (veraltet) Gegner, Widersacher … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
adversaire — [ advɛrsɛr ] n. • XIIe; fém. XIXe; lat. adversarius ♦ Personne qui est opposée à une autre dans un combat, un conflit, une compétition, un litige, un procès. ⇒ antagoniste, concurrent, contradicteur, ennemi, rival. « un adversaire à sa mesure »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
adversar — ADVERSÁR, Ă, adversari, e, s.m. şi f. Persoană care face concurenţă, care luptă împotriva altuia sau împotriva unei concepţii, a unei idei; rival, potrivnic. ♦ (Sport) Partener de întrecere. – Din fr. adversaire, lat. adversarius. Trimis de ana… … Dicționar Român
Gegner — Opponent; Antagonist; Widerpart; Kontrahent; Gegenspieler; Konkurrent; Widersacher; Feind; Rivale * * * Geg|ner [ ge:gnɐ], der; s, , Geg|ne|rin [ ge:gnərɪn], die; , nen: 1. Per … Universal-Lexikon
adversario — ► sustantivo Persona o grupo de personas contrarias: ■ la tropa derrotó a los adversarios en unas horas. SINÓNIMO contrincante enemigo * * * adversario, a (del lat. «adversarĭus») 1 adj. y n. Con respecto a una persona, otra que lucha contra ella … Enciclopedia Universal
SCIAMACHIA — Graece Σκιαμαχία. Latin. umbratilis pugna, Ep. 117. Senecae Ventilatio, pugnae Gymnasticae olim species fuit, quae sine teils fiebat adeoque monomachiae vel hoplomachiae erat oppsita, ex mente Oribasii. Secundum alios, quâ homo adversus umbram et … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Adversaria — Ad ver*sa ri*a, n. pl. [L. adversaria (sc. scripta), neut. pl. of adversarius.] A miscellaneous collection of notes, remarks, or selections; a commonplace book; also, commentaries or notes. [1913 Webster] These parchments are supposed to have… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adversaries — Adversary Ad ver*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Adversaries}. [OE. adversarie, direct fr. the Latin, and adversaire, fr. OF. adversier, aversier, fr. L. adversarius (a.) turned toward, (n.) an adversary. See {Adverse}.] One who is turned against another or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adversary — Ad ver*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Adversaries}. [OE. adversarie, direct fr. the Latin, and adversaire, fr. OF. adversier, aversier, fr. L. adversarius (a.) turned toward, (n.) an adversary. See {Adverse}.] One who is turned against another or others with a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The Adversary — Adversary Ad ver*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Adversaries}. [OE. adversarie, direct fr. the Latin, and adversaire, fr. OF. adversier, aversier, fr. L. adversarius (a.) turned toward, (n.) an adversary. See {Adverse}.] One who is turned against another or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English