Dentātus — Dentātus, s. Curius Dentatus … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dentatus — (Bot.), gezähnt, d.h. mit kleinen spitzigen Lappen zwischen stumpfen (bogenförmigen) Buchten. Daher Dentato ciliatus, gezähnt, gewimpert; D. crenatus, kerbzähnig, mit kleinen, dichten, abgerundeten Lappen u. spitzigen Buchten; D. serratus,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Dentātus — Dentātus, Familie der Curia gens; bes. bekannt: Manius Curius D., als Muster altrömischer Einfachheit u. Tapferkeit berühmt; er war als Volkstribun, 298 v. Chr., Einbringer der Curia lex; als Consul, 290, beendigte er den Samnitischen Krieg. Als… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Dentatus — Dentatus, s. Curius … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
DENTATUS — M. Curii cognomen, quod cum dentibus natus est. Plin. l. 7. c. 16 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
dentatus — denta̱tus, ...ta̱ta, ta̱tum [aus lat. dentatus= mit Zähnen versehen]: gezahnt, gezähnt; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Nucleus dentatus … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Dentatus, Manius Curius — ▪ Roman general died 270 BC Roman general, conqueror of the Samnites and victor against Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. Dentatus was born into a plebeian family that was possibly Sabine in origin. As consul in 290 BC, he gained a decisive… … Universalium
dentatus — See dentata … Etymological dictionary of grasses
DENTATUS, M. CURIUS — a Roman of the old stamp; as consul gained two victories over rival States and two triumphs in one year; drove Pyrrhus out of Italy (275 B.C.), and brought to Rome immense booty, of which he would take nothing to himself; in his retirement… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Manius Curius Dentatus — Curius Dentatus refusing wealth in favour of a turnip, as depicted by Jacopo Amigoni Manius Curius Dentatus (died 270 BC), son of Manius, was a three time consul and a plebeian hero of the Roman Republic, noted for ending the Samnite War.… … Wikipedia
Oxuderces dentatus — Oxuderces dentatus … Wikipédia en Français