
adventōria, ae f. (sc. cena) M = adventicia

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "adventoria" в других словарях:

  • Francisco Macedo — (born at Coimbra, Portugal, 1596; died Padua, 1 May1681), known as S. Augustino, was a Portuguese Franciscan theologian.LifeHe entered the Jesuit Order in 1610, which however he left in 1638 in order to join the Discalced Franciscans. These also… …   Wikipedia

  • Francisco Macedo —     Francisco Macedo     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Francisco Macedo     Known as a S. Augustino, O.F.M., theologian, born at Coimbra, Portugal, 1596; he entered the Jesuit Order in 1610, which however he left in 1638 in order to join the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • CATHOLICUS — I. CATHOLICUS dignitas et Magistratus, in Africa praesertim. Eusebius, l. 8. c. 23. Καθολικὸν τῆς Α᾿φρικῆς, et de Vita Constantim, l. 4. τὸν τῆς διοικήςεως Καθολικὸν, h. e. Consularem et Praefectum Africae, ut interpretantur Viri docti. At… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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