Schemtow ibn Schaprut — (Schem Tob ben Isaak ibn Schaprut) aus Tudela war ein jüdischer Arzt und Gelehrter des 14. Jahrhunderts. Bekannt ist er als Apologet: Er disputierte 1375 in Pamplona mit Pedro de Luna (dem späteren Papst Benedikt XIII.) und verfasste (1380… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ISRAEL MEIR HA-KOHEN — (Kagan; known as Ḥafeẓ Ḥayyim; 1838–1933), rabbi, ethical writer, and talmudist; one of the most saintly figures in modern Judaism. Of humble origin, he was taught until the age of ten by his parents and then went to Vilna where he continued his… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
LIBOWITZ, SAMUEL NEHEMIAH — (1862–1939), writer on Jewish subjects. Born in Kolno, Poland, he immigrated to America in 1881. He traded in precious stones and was so successful that he could afford to print over 20 books in limited editions. He corresponded with eminent… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
LISITZKY, EPHRAIM E. — LISITZKY, EPHRAIM E. (1885–1962), U.S. Hebrew poet and educator. Born in Minsk, he immigrated to the United States at the age of 15. In 1918, after peregrinations which took him to Boston, New York, Central Canada, Buffalo, and Milwaukee, he… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SNEH (Kleinbaum), MOSHE — (1909–1972), Israeli politician and publicist, member of the First to Fifth, and Seventh Knessets. Born in Radzyn, Poland, Sneh received a traditional Jewish education and then graduated from the University of Warsaw in medicine. He took part in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
WEISS, MEIR — (1902–1998), Bible scholar. Born in Budapest, he became a rabbi and received a doctorate from the Royal Science University of Hungary in Semitic linguistics, history of the Ancient Near East, and Roman history. He immigrated to Israel in 1945 and … Encyclopedia of Judaism